34 | AQ450740142615en-000201
© Danfoss | Climate Solutions | 2023.07
Declaration of incorporation
40836 10-2021 Gb
Declaration of incorporation for incomplete machinery
in accordance with EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex II 1. B
Bock Compressor India Pvt Ltd
#3A1, Bommasandra Industrial Area, Hebbagodi, Hosur Road,
Bangalore – 560099
We, as manufacturer, declare in sole responsibility that the incomplete machinery
Semi-hermetic compressor
HG(X)22e/125-4 (S) ............. HG(X)66e/2070-4(S)
Open type compressor
FKX40/470 K.........................FKX40/655 K
Serial number:
BB00000A001 – BN99999Z999
complies with the following provisions of the above-mentioned Directive:
According to Annex I, points 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.5, 1.3.2, 1.3.3, 1.3.7, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.13 and
1.7.1 to 1.7.4 (excepted 1.7.4 f) are fulfilled.
Applied harmonised standards, in particular:
EN ISO 12100 :2010 Safety of machinery — General principles for design — Risk
assessment and risk reduction
EN 12693
:2008 Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Safety and environmental
requirements — Positive displacement refrigerant compressors
Remarks: We also declare that the special technical documentation for this incomplete machine has been
created in accordance with Annex VII, Part B and we obligate to provide these upon reasoned
request from the individual national authorities by data transfer.
Commissioning is prohibited until it has been confirmed that the machinery into which the
incomplete machine above is to be incorporated complies with the EC Machinery Directive and
an EC Declaration of Conformity, Annex II. 1. A exists.
Authorized person for compiling and handing
Bock Compressor India Pvt Ltd
over technical documentation:
Prasad Sannagowder
Bock GmbH
#3A1, Bommasandra Industrial Area, Hebbagodi,
Alexander Layh
Hosur Road, Bangalore – 560099
Benzstraße 7
72636 Frickenhausen, Germany
Frickenhausen, 02nd of March 2021
Prasad Sannagowder, Managing Director