Product safety
Sirius digital Mixer from D&R Phone +31 294 418014, email:
Page 51
A person can feel a shock because the muscles in a body respond to electrical current and
because the heart is a muscle it can affect, when the current is high enough. Current can also
be fatal when it causes the chest muscles to contract and stop breathing.
At what potential is current dangerous.
Well the first feeling of current is a tingle at 0.001 Amp of current. The current between 0.1
Amp and 0.2 Amp is fatal.
Imagine that your home fuses of 20 Amp can handle 200 times more current than is necessary
to kill. How does resistance affect the shock a person feels. A typical resistance between one
hand to the other in "dry" condition could well over 100,000 Ohm.
Always earth all your equipment by the grounding pin in your main plug.
Proper wiring and isolation input/output transformers should only cure hum-loops.
Replace fuses always with the same type and rating after the equipment has been turned off
and unplugged.
If the fuse blows again you have an equipment failure, do not use it again and return it to your
dealer for repair.
And last but not least be careful not to touch a person being shocked as you, yourself could
also be shocked. Once removed from the shock, have someone send for medical help
Always keep the above-mentioned information in mind
when using electrically powered equipment