Sirius digital Mixer from D&R Phone +31 294 418014, email:
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When more outputs are required an extra 8 output busses are available for addressing signal
to. These busses can be assigned to pre or post fader.
A choice can be made to use these busses as 8 mono output busses or as 4 stereo output
This choice will be made with the mono switch. When the output
busses are set to be stereo busses the balance control on the input
modules will behave as expected. In case the output busses are
mono, the balance control will not be active. The next step is to
assign the busses.
5.4.4 Clean-feed busses
The Clean-feed busses are very similar to the mix busses with the
only exception that you can switch off a Clean-feed buss avoiding
signal to be send to that buss from a specific channel.
The adjustments for mono/pre/post fader are identical to the mix-
buss programming.
5.4.5 CUE buss
The stereo CUE buss can be fed from an input signal pre fader by
way of the Cue switch.
An alternative function of the CUE buss is to use it as a talkback
communication switch. We will explain this later.
5.4.6 Fader groups
Positioned left of the fader section you see the fader-group switches. These can be used to
create fader-groups. There are four fader-groups implemented.
When you assign the Group Master (Grp-Mstr) the channel becomes the master of the group.
The next step is to select of what group this becomes the master by assigning Group 1 to 4 to
this master. There is of course only one master for each group.
The slave faders will not move (by its motors) being in the group to give you the possibility to
continuously monitor the slave balance. Individual “slave” balancing will always be possible in
a group.