Sirius digital Mixer from D&R Phone +31 294 418014, email:
Page 15
5.6.3 Master meters
In the middle section are the master meters.
These meters shall always present the signal
that is assigned to the selected output buss.
By clicking on the name of the meter a pop-up
menu appears. Here you can select the signal
that the meters are displaying. Selection can
be made from all busses.
5.6.4 CRM
The far right area is the CRM
section. This section determines
what you are going to hear in your
Control Room Monitors.
You can select out of 6 stereo
sources that are labeled left from
the CRM pot.
By clicking on the label (black area) a pop-up menu appears with all the inputs and busses. It is
up to you how many two tracks you want directly accessible on your CRM here by activating
any input available.
The next step is to select which source you want to listen to. These knobs can function in two
ways. Either additive or alternating, a decision made in the ‘Global Settings’ (see 7.1.2
Of course you have the possibility to adjust the level, dimming and muting on the CRM buss,
these knobs are located in the same area.
The dim function on the CRM is a maximum level setting. Meaning that the level adjusted by
the up/down switches is the maximum level when dim is active. In this way you can tune the dim
to an acceptable level (without feedback) and if the level is lower, the dim will not adjust the
level or else it will be adjusted to the dim level.
As an extra feature it is also possible to switch the right CRM signal out of phase. It is a
technique to check if all signals are in phase without interrupting live signals.