Camera Calibration
GigE Vision Input Controls
Advanced Processing
FFC Coefficient Set No. Selects the pixel set to load, save, or configure. There are 8 user
sets available.
Load FFC Coefficient
Loads the Flat Field Correction Coefficients (specified by the Pixel
Set Selector) from the cameras non-volatile memory.
Saves the PRNU Correction Coefficients (specified by the Pixel Set
Selector) to the camera's non-volatile memory when Pixel Set
Selector is not Default.
Save FPN
Saves the FPN Correction Coefficients (specified by the Pixel Set
Selector) to the camera's non-volatile memory when Pixel Set
Selector is not Default.
FPN Calibrate
Calculate the fixed pattern noise correction coeffients. This should
be performed with a dark sensor. This feature is not available when
Sensor Scan Direction is set to External. *** WARNING: This
command can take up to 3 seconds. Please adjust the GUI's
timeout values.
Target to Calibrate
The target value for the PRNU calibration algorithm
PRNU Calibrate
Performs a PRNU Calibration. To calibration PRNU, the direction
must not be External. Always set proper target before clicking this
button. *** WARNING: This command can take up to 15 seconds.
Ideally FPN calibration should be done before the PRNU calibration.
FPN Enable
The state of the fixed pattern noise correction
Enables and disables the fixed pattern noise correction
PRNU Enable
The state of the PRNU correction
Enables and disables the photo response non-uniformity correction
Reset Coefficients
Resets the Pixel Coefficients to effectively turn off flat field
Restores the cameras pixel coefficients to 0 for FPN and a PRNU
factor of 1. This command does not reset saved coefficients.
Calibration Result
Displays the result from the flat field calibration.
Read FFC Calibration
Read FFC Calibrate Result