Piranha 3 User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
N otes:
The d igital offset is not reset.
3.5.2 Rebooting the Camera
The com m and
reboots the cam era. The cam era starts u p w ith the last saved settings
and the bau d rate u sed before reboot. Previou sly saved p ixel coefficients are also restored .
3.6 Diagnostics
3.6.1 Generating a Test Pattern
Pu rp ose:
Generates a test p attern to aid in system d ebu gging. The test
p atterns are u sefu l for verifying p rop er tim ing and connections
betw een the cam era and the fram e grabber. The follow ing tables
show each available test p attern.
Syntax Elem ents:
Vid eo.
12 bit ram p test p attern.
8 bit step test p attern .
Exam p le:
svm 1
3.6.2 Returning Video Information
The camera’s microcontroller has the ability to read video data. This functionality can be
u sed to verify cam era op eration and to p erform basic testing w ithou t having to connect
the cam era to a fram e grabber. This inform ation is also u sed for collecting line statistics
for calibrating the cam era.
Returning a Single Line of Video
Pu rp ose:
Retu rns a com p lete line of vid eo (w ithou t p ixel co efficients or test
p attern) d isp laying one p ixel valu e after another. After p ixel valu es
have been d isp layed it also d isp lays the m inim u m , m axim u m , and
m ean valu e of the line sam p led w ithin the region of interest (the
region of interest com m and is exp lained in section 3.4.1 Setting a
Region of Interest (ROI:setting)).
Use the
com m and , or the follow ing
com m and , to ensu re
the p rop er vid eo inp u t range into the p rocessing chain before
execu ting any p ixel calibration com m and s.
gl x1 x2
Syntax Elem ents:
Pixel start nu m ber. Mu st be less than or equ al to the p ixel end
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