Piranha 3 User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
2.2.2 Power Connector
Figure 4: Hirose 6-pin Circular Male—Power Connector
The cam era requ ires a single voltag e inp u t w ith a +12V to +15V op erating range (+11V to
+16V absolu te m axim u m range). The cam era m eets all p erform ance sp ecifications u sing
stand ard sw itching p ow er su p p lies, althou gh w ell-regu lated linear su p p lies p rovid e
op tim u m p erform ance.
WARNING: When setting up the camera’s power supplies follow these guidelines:
• Protect the camera with a
fast-blow fuse
betw een p ow er su p p ly and cam era.
• Do not use the shield on a multi-conductor cable for ground.
• Keep leads as short as possible to reduce voltage drop.
• Use high-quality
su p p lies to m inim ize noise.
• Use an isolated type power supply to prevent LVDS common mode range violation.
Perform ance sp ecifications are not gu aranteed if you r p ow er su p p ly d oes not m eet
the +12V to +15V requ irem ents.
WARNING: It is extremely important that you apply the appropriate voltages to your
camera. Incorrect voltages will damage the camera. Protect the camera with a fast-blow
fuse between power supply and camera.
We offer a p ow er su p p ly w ith attached 6’ p ow er cable that m eets the Piranha 3 cam era’s
requ irem ents, bu t it shou ld not be consid ered the only choice. Many high qu ality su p p lies
are available from other vend ors. Teled yne DALSA assu m es no resp onsibility for the u se
of these su p p lies.
Visit the
w w w .teled yned alsa.com
Web site for a list of com p anies that m ake p ow er
supplies that meet the camera’s requirements. The companies listed should not be
consid ered the only choices.
Table 6: Hirose Pin Description
+12 to +15V
4, 5, 6
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