Piranha 3 User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
P3 12k Example Help Screen
cao calibrate analog offset ti 0-8:0-255
ccf correction calibrate fpn
ccg calibrate camera gain iti 1-4:0-8:1024-4055
ccp correction calibrate prnu
clm camera link mode m 15/16/21/
cpa calibrate PRNU algorithm ii 1-4:1024-4055
css correction set sample m 256/512/1024/
dpc display pixel coeffs xx 1-12288:1-12288
els end of line sequence i 0-1
epc enable pixel coefficients ii 0-1:0-1
gcm get camera model
gcp get camera parameters
gcs get camera serial
gcv get camera version
get get values s
gfc get fpn coeff x 1-12288
gh get help
gl get line xx 1-12288:1-12288
gla get line average xx 1-12288:1-12288
gpc get prnu coeff x 1-12288
gsf get signal frequency i 1-4
gss get sensor serial
h help
lpc load pixel coefficients i 0-4
rc reset camera
rfs restore factory settings
roi region of interest xyxy 1-12288:1-1:1-12288:1-1
rpc reset pixel coeffs
rus restore user settings
sag set analog gain tf 0-8:-10.0-+10.0
sao set analog offset ti 0-8:0-255
sbr set baud rate m 9600/19200/57600/115200/
sdo set digital offset ti 0-8:0-2048
sem set exposure mode m 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/
set set exposure time f 3-3330 [uSec]
sfc set fpn coeff xi 1-12288:0-2048
sfr set fpn range xxi 1-8192:1-8192:0-2048
slt set lower threshold i 0-4095
sot set output throughput m 320/
spc set prnu coeff xi 1-12288:0-28671
spr set prnu range xxi 1-8192:1-8192:0-28671
spt set pretrigger i 0-16
ssb set subtract background ti 0-8:0-4095
ssf set sync frequency f 300-23619
ssg set system gain ti 0-8:0-65535
sut set upper threshold i 0-4095
svm set video mode i 0-2
ugr update gain reference
vt verify temperature
vv verify voltage
wfc write FPN coefficients i 1-4
wpc write PRNU coefficients i 1-4
wus write user settings
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