4. Camera Operation
Figure 20. External Trigger Minimum High and Low Times
Set Line Rate
To set the camera‘s line rate use the line rate parameter, part of the Sensor Controls set.
This feature can only be used when the camera is in Internal mode—that is, when the start
line trigger is disabled (Trigger Mode Off).
Note: Line rate > (Exposure time + 2,000 ns) will return an error (―Invalid Parameter‖) if
this condition is not met. You must adjust these two parameters in the correct sequence to
maintain this condition.
If the external line rate exceeds 48 kHz the camera will continue to output data at its
maximum line rate of 48 kHz. Though no image artifacts associated with over-speed will
occur, you may notice that under over-speed conditions the image will appear compressed
and the apparent distance travelled will be reduced.
Camera Control
Line Rate
Camera line rate in a range from 1 Hz to 48 KHz.
This feature is only available when the camera is in Internal Mode—line
trigger is disabled (Trigger Mode off).
Line Rates
Camera Link Configuration
8K Maximum Line Rate
4K Maximum Line Rate
10 KHz (RGB8)
20 KHz (RGB8)
20 KHz (RGB8)
23 kHz (RGB12)
40 KHz (RGB8)
46 KHz (RGB12)
th min
4 µs
tl min
2 µs
maximum line rate =
(exposure time + low time*)
*Exposure time must be greater than 6 µs and low time greater than 2,000 ns