4M30 Camera User’s Manual
external event in the External Integration Mode. Under these conditions, the user can enable the
No Clean Mode by setting bit [2] in the Control Register = 1. No Clean Mode can only be enabled
when in Programmed Integration Mode (bit [7] of the Control Register =1)
Example: Enable No Clean Mode
1000 0010
1*** *1**
The register containing the No Clean bit also controls other configuration data (*). All bits
must be set appropriately.
3.13 Triggering, Integration, and Frame Rate
Image capture triggering, integration, and frame rate are closely related.
Integration time can be less than 1/frame rate, but it can never be greater than 1/frame rate.
You can program fixed integration (or use default) and let the camera “free run.”
You can program fixed integration time and supply a (asynchronous) trigger signal to control
frame rate by supplying a TTL pulse on the SMA connector. This is referred to as
“Programmed Integration/External Trigger Mode.”
You can also have the camera integrate as long as an asynchronous TTL pulse is held high.
This pulse will therefore control both integration time and frame rate. This is also known as
“External Integrate Mode.”
For a given frame rate, the maximum integration time is limited to the frame period less an
overhead factor required for proper operation of the CCD. Maximum integration time is defined by
this equation:
Max Integration Time = (1/Frame Rate) – 32.35 ms
This equation is valid for all modes, free running, external trigger and external integrate modes.
Do not set integration time higher than the limits of the equation above. Unpredictable
operation may result
3.14 Controlling Integration (Shutter Time)
The 4M30 allows you to control integration (also known as exposure time or shutter time) in these
Programmed Integration/Free Running:
(default) The camera free runs with the internally
programmed integration time and frame rate
Programmed Integration/SMA Trigger:
The camera will integrate for the internally
programmed time when triggered by a high going TTL pulse on the SMA connector.
Programmed Integration/Serial trigger:
The camera will integrate for the internally
programmed time when triggered by a high going Serial Trigger signal.
External Integration/SMA Trigger:
The camera will integrate as long as the TTL pulse on
the TRIGGER IN SMA connector is high. The integration time is effectively the input pulse
width. In this mode, TRIGGER IN also controls the frame rate.
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