1M28, 1M75, and 1M150 User’s Manual
1.9 Mask Mode (MROI)
You also have the option of setting masks using MROI mode. In MROI mode, you can set up to 16
masks to the current window of interest. A mask is defined as a range of scan lines which are
skipped and not read out, further speeding up image acquisition. Note that mask windows may not
overlap and are not checked for errors. The parent window (main WOI) must include the first
mask, but may exclude trailing, unused masks. A mask is defined by its Y start and the height H.
These are entered analogous to the main ROI.
In the following example, the grayed out areas of the zebra-striped “5” denote the mask areas. The
readout result is displayed in the picture on the right. The lines are included in the example to help
visualize the seams and are not actually visible in the resulting image.
Figure 15: MROI Example
Picture with 4 masks
Resulting 5 image
The simplest way to enable MROI mode and set masks is with the PFRemote configuration tool.
See chapter 3 for an explanation of the PFRemote configuration tool.
You can also enable MROI mode by setting flag EN_MROI (bit 3) in mode register 2 (register 12).
Also, in addition to using the PFRemote, there are two other ways of defining the various MROI:
The first method is to store the basic window value settings directly in the EEPROM.
In the second method, the windows can be defined or changed dynamically during operation
by accessing the RAM banks directly.
To access the RAM banks directly, select the appropriate bank with the parameter
RAM_BANK_SELECT register 2FH and select the memory locations with registers 30H to 3FH.
Table 25 on page 54 shows the EEPROM functions and values and their relation to the FPGA
registers. The RAM banks can only be accessed directly when flag EN_MROI register OCH bit 3
is disabled.
The start and stop values of the ROI are defined in pairs, where a stop value leads directly to the
loading of a new start value.
Unused ROI pairs must be filled with the maximum value 3FF for both start and stop values.
The final ROI is terminated with the parameter Y1_ROI. The arrangement of the various
parameters is shown graphically in Figure 17.
See chapter 3 for a
complete description
of the PFRemote
configuration tool.