Preventive maintenance
Power industry: Power line and power facility thermal state checking;
problem and defect diagnosis.
Electrical system: Identify potential circuit overloads.
Mechanical system: Reduce downtime and avoid catastrophic failure.
Construction science
Roof: Quick identification of water penetration problems.
Structure: Commercial and residential energy audits.
Moisture detection: Determine root cause of moisture and mildew.
Evaluate the resolution to ensure the area completely dry.
Iron and steel industry: Inspect steel refining and rolling processes;
diagnose hot-blast stove defects; detect the embryo temperature of armor
plate, etc.
Fire fighting: Forest fire prevention and detection of latent ignition
source. Preventive detection on specific materials of auto-ignition. Detection
of potential spark ignition sources.
Medical: Human body surface temperature detection and screening.
Petro/chemical: Oil pipeline status inspection; material surface
temperature detection; insulation inspection; power equipment status, etc.