3.1 Generator operation illustration
The generator is a three flue passes type for the production of hot water for residential and indu-
strial heating.
3.2 Generator operation description
The fuel descends by gravity from the hopper into the upper feeding screw, where it is pusher into
the star valve (optional) falling then into the burner feeding screw.
The star valve (optional) has a double function. On one hand, it doses the fuel towards the burner
feeding screw while, on the other it breaks fuel continuità between the two feeding screws, the-
reby preventing fume back flow and flames that could reach the fuel hopper.
The rotation speed of the lower feeding screw determines the correct brazier feeding and is there-
fore an essential element for the correct operation of the boiler.
The fuel contained in the brazier is burnt through the primary and secondary air input.
The heat that develops in the combustion chamber is conveyed in the interspace full of water
through the steel walls of the generator.
The hot fumes pass from the combustion chamber through the central tube and, by means of the
hollow space in the upper door, cross the tube nest and are finally espelle in the fume pipe fitting,
making those three flue passes that are distintive mark of this type of heat generator.
Optimal combustion control is obtained adjusting the primary and secondary air and the amount
of fuel. Combustion quality can be verified either visually or by means of smoke analysers.