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The annealing job cannot be
made when pushing the anneal
A. The connection of annealing
switch is loose or broken
B. The fuse is blown
C. The connection of the
electrodes to blade is poor
A. Change an anneal switch
B. Change a fuse
C. Clean electrode surfaces
The grinder is not running when
the grinder switch on
A. The grinder motor is defective
B. The grinder switch is defective
A. Replace the grinder
B. Replace the switch
The blade can not be tightly
clamped with the jaw clamps
A. The jaw clamps are burnt or
B. The lower jaw inserts defective
C. The Jaws are burnt or eroded
A. Change clampers
B. Change lower jaw Inserts
C. Change jaws
The annealing button will not
release to neutral position
Some dust or debris around the
anneal button restricting movement
Release the anneal button by
gently pulling it to the
neutral position
Clean out any dust or debris
Blade tooth broken
A. Incorrect pitch for the application
B. Brittle blade improper annealing
C. Inferior blade
A. Select a right pitch blade
B. Re-weld and anneal
C. Decrease feeding rate
D. Change to high quality blade
Blade damaged
A. Brittle blade improper annealing
B. Blade tension out of adjustment
C. Too Fast feeding
D. Blade teeth hitting guides.
E. Cannot cut radius without blade
A. Decrease the annealing
B. Adjust blade tension
C. Decrease feed rate
D. Adjust a proper gap
between the blade and the
guide insert
E. Change to a narrower blade
Saw blade is twisted
A. Improper weld
B. Blade installed in improper way
C. Blade tension too loose
D. The blade is being over fed
A. Re-weld the blade again
B. Set the guide inserts closer
C. Increase blade tension
D. Decrease the feeding rate
when starting the cut
E. Use a proper width blade for
radius cutting
The sawing direction deviates
A. The blade tooth is not on even
or warn unevenly.
B. The blade tension is too loose
C. The guide post was set too high
A. Make sure a good blade is
used without damaged teeth
B. Increase blade tension
C. Set the guide post to be
within a ¼” of the work
D. Decrease feeding rate
Saw blade walks off
A. Blade tension is too loose
B. Blade is not tracked properly
A. Increase blade tension
B. Adjust the wheel alignment