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Blade tracking may be required from time to time depending on the blade size and tension.
Disconnect the machine from the power source and open both blade wheel doors. Shift the
high-low gearbox lever into the neutral position. Turn the upper blade wheel by hand while
observing blade position on the upper blade wheel to determine if adjustment is necessary:
a. Turn blade tracking knob clockwise to track
blade toward front of blade wheel.
b. Turn counter-clockwise to track blade toward
rear of blade wheel. Blade should be tracked
as close of the center of the top blade wheel
as possible. Do not allow blade to run on the
wheel lip
Note: Upper and lower blade guides should be
moved away and left loose from the blade while
tracking adjustments are being made
1. Loosen the guide post locking knob. Always
support the guide post when loosening the
guide post to prevent it from unexpectedly
falling. (Figure A next page)
2. The height of the upper guide post setting is in
relationship to the height of the material. The
height between the material and the blade
guide end is suggested to be about 1/4”. (See
figure B illustration on next page)
3. Lock the guide post tightly.
All adjustment or repairs to the machine must
be done with the power off and the machine
disconnected from the power source. Failure to
comply may result in serious injury!