of 71
No9 stands for CO2 band setting: 100~500, default: 200
No10 stands for VOCs setting: 460~1200, default: 800
No11 stands for VOCs band setting: 100~500, default: 200
No12 stands for VOCs setting: 30~70, default: 50
No13 stands for VOCs band setting: 10~30, default: 10
No14 stands for unit address setting: 0~31, default: 0
No15 stands for ESP setting: 0~100%, default: 40%
No16 stands for temperature sensor setting:
0=inner and external sensor are used. Inner sensor is to show room temperature. External sensor is used to show water
inlet temperature.
1=External sensor is connected, room temperature is based on external sensor. External sensor is not connected, room
temperature is based on inner sensor.
No17 stands for unit configuration setting:
2=2 pipe fan coil + floor heating
3=2 pipe fan coil + flooring cooling/heating
No18 stands for fan control setting:
0=DA, in cooling mode, fan is still on when setting temperature is arrived.
1=DB, in heating mode, fan is off when setting temperature is arrived.
No19 stands for thermostat DA1 setting:
When No.1=3
4, No.19=0
Fan control signal
Modulating valve control signal
When No.1=1
2, No.19=0
Fan control signal is based on Tr, Ts PID calculation
Fan control signal is based on ESP PID calculation
No20 stands for dew point difference setting. 5 ~ 15; default: 7
AC/EC fan coil thermostat
Wired wall pad parameters setting:
No1 is set to 3.
No2 stands for temperature unit setting:
0=Degree C
1=Degree F
No3 stands for temperature display setting:
0=Room temperature display on LED
1=Setting temperature display on LED
No4 stands for setting temperature range setting:
0=setting temperature range is from 16~30
1=Setting temperature range is fixed. Cooling=24°C, Heating=21°C
No5 stands for temperature band setting: 1~9, default: 1
No14 stands for unit address setting: 0~31, default: 0