IM 738-2
Unit Options:
DesignFlow™ Outdoor Air Damper Option
Making Level Adjustments
The DesignFlow unit is mounted so that it pivots at the top
when three lock nuts are loosened, two at the top and one at
the bottom of the assembly (see Figure 96). Leveling the unit
involves precisely pivoting the assembly with a known force
applied to the vane until the vane opens to a specific position.
If after performing Steps 13 through 15 above, the vane does
not come to rest within the specified range, carry out the
following steps:
Unlock and open the louvered outdoor air intake door on
the side of the unit.
Loosen the two .25-20 NC lock nuts at the top of the
DesignFlow frame. (See Figure 96.)
Figure 96. DesignFlow frame
Close and lock the intake door.
Remove the cover from the access opening in the bottom
blade of the outdoor air intake louver (see Figure 97
Loosen the .25-20 NC lock nut in the slotted hole at the
bottom of the DesignFlow frame. (See Figure 98.)
If the
LH Lvl Pos=
or RH Lvl Pos=
) value obtained in
step 15 above is HIGHER than the specified range,
move the bottom of the DesignFlow frame closer to the
outdoor air dampers (away from the back end of the unit).
Do this by turning the long adjuster nut to increase the L
dimension in Figure 98.
If the
LH Lvl Pos=
or RH Lvl Pos=
) value obtained in
step 15 above is LOWER than the specified range
move the bottom of the DesignFlow frame away from the
outdoor air dampers (toward the back end of the unit). Do
this by turning the long adjuster nut to decrease the L
dimension in Figure 98.
If the necessary adjustment cannot be made using
the long adjuster nut, reposition the two .25-20 NC
jam nuts on the threaded rod to make larger
adjustments (see Figure 98).
When finished making the adjustments, tighten the .25-20
NC lock nut in the slotted hole at the bottom of the
DesignFlow frame. (See Figure 98.)
Make sure the leveling weight’s top thumbscrew is still
against the vertical alignment mark on the vane.
Gently rap the base frame to slightly vibrate the assembly
to encourage the vane to seek its equilibrium point.
Recheck the vane position compared to the range specified
in Step 16 above. Readjust the level as necessary.
If large adjustments are required to correctly level the
vane assembly, before rechecking the level, relocate the
fulcrum as described in Step 9 in “DesignFlow Station
Startup” on page 93.
When the level is correct, unlock and open the louvered
outdoor air intake door on the side of the unit and tighten
the two .25-20 NC lock nuts at the top of the DesignFlow
frame. (See Figure 96.)
Close and lock the intake door.
Recheck the vane position and readjust the level as
When the vane position is correct, remove the fulcrum and
replace the access opening cover in the louvered door.
Figure 97. Remove covers from access opening
Figure 98. Leveling adjustment
Top lock nuts
Bottom lock nut
Pivot point
Access opening
Threaded adjuster
Long adjuster nut
Jam nuts
To INCREASE L dimension
To INCREASE L dimension
Right hand adjuster
Left hand adjuster