IM 738-2
Electrical Installation:
Field Power Wiring
Electrical Installation
Field Power Wiring
Wiring must comply with all applicable codes and ordinances
or in the absence of local codes, with the National Electrical
Code ANSI/NFPA 70 and/or Canadian Electrical Code CSA
. The warranty is voided if wiring is not in accordance
with these specifications. An open fuse, tripped circuit
breaker, or Manual Motor Protector (MMP) indicates a short,
ground, or overload. Before replacing a fuse, circuit breaker,
MMP, or restarting a compressor or fan motor, identify the
trouble and correct.
According to the National Electrical Code, a disconnecting
means shall be located within sight of and readily accessible
from the air conditioning equipment. The unit can be ordered
with an optional factory mounted disconnect switch. This
switch is not fused. Power leads must be over-current
protected at the point of distribution. The maximum allowable
overcurrent protection (MROPD) appears on the unit
All RPS, RFS, and RDT Units
All units are provided with internal power wiring for single or
dual point power connection. The power block or an optional
disconnect switch is located within the main control panel.
Field power leads are brought into the unit through 3"
knockouts in the bottom of the main control panel. Refer to the
unit nameplate to determine the number of power connections.
See Figure 63 and Table 22 on page 54.
If the unit has a factory mounted disconnect switch, generally
the switch must be turned off to open the main control panel
door. However, the door can be opened without disconnecting
power by following the procedure covered on page 119. If this
is done, use caution since power is not removed from the unit
or the controller.
To wire entry points, refer to certified drawings for
Figure 63. RPS/RDT and RFSpower wiring connections
Figure 64. Optional side power wiring entrance
The preferred entrance for power cables is through the bottom
knockouts provided on the unit. If side entrance is the only
option, a drilling location is provided.
The drilling dimensions must be followed exactly to prevent
damage to the control panel. The dimensions provided are the
only possible point of side entrance for the power cables.
RCS Units
Field power wiring is connected from the main control panel in
the RFS unit to powerblock (PB4) or an optional disconnect
switch (DS4) located in the condenser control panel of the
RCS unit. Power leads enter the bottom left corner of the
condenser control panel through the conduit hubs shipped with
the unit. Refer to Figure 66 and Figure 67 on page 54.
Hazardous voltage. Can cause severe injury or death.
Disconnect electric power before servicing equipment. More
than one disconnect may be required to de-energize the unit.
Wires are located in base rail. Move wires before drilling hole
through base rail.
Electric heat
control panel
3" power
disconnect (DS2)
3" power
Main disconnect (DS1)
or power block (PB1)
R e m o v e L i f t i n g B r a c k e t
( I f L o c a t e d H e r e )
B e f o r e D r i l l i n g H o l e
M a i n
o n t r o l
P a n e l
( 0 m m )
" ( 6 m m )
M a x D i a .
6 "
( 4 0 6 m m )