IM 738-2
Service and Warranty Procedure
All Compressors
The decision to replace the failed portion of the tandem or trio,
as opposed to replacing the entire tandem or trio, must be
decided based on the following.
The entire tandem must be replaced if the individual
portions do not include rotalocks and rotalocks are not
available on the RPS 025 to 030 (tandems and the RPS
circuit #1 tandem).
In warranty: Warranty only covers replacement of the failed
portion of the tandem or trio. Either source may be used.
Out of warranty: The customer decides whether to replace
the entire tandem/trio or just a portion and either source
may be used.
When replacing an “in warranty” compressor through a
Copeland Wholesaler, take the failed compressor to the
wholesaler for an over-the-counter or an advanced replacement
exchange. Credit is issued by Copeland on the returned motor
compressor upon receipt and factory inspection of the
inoperative motor compressor. In this transaction, be certain
that the motor compressor is definitely defective. If a motor
compressor is received from the field that tests satisfactorily, a
service charge plus a transportation charge will be charged
against its original credit value.
If there was a delay in the startup of the equipment and the
first-year warranty (Copeland) has expired on the compressor,
within the 18-month-from-shipment warranty, order the
replacement compressor through the
Parts Department
Contact the
Parts Department for compressor
Send a completed parts order form to the
The Parts Department processes the order and the
compressors are shipped from our Dayton, OH warehouse
via ground transportation. If next-day air is required,
indicate this on the parts order form and a freight charge
will be billed to your account. Air freight costs are not
covered under the
After the failed compressor is replaced, return it to
International with a Return Goods Tag attached, which you
will receive in the mail. It must be attached to the
compressor. The Return Goods Tag has instructions on
where to send the compressor. If the compressor is not
returned, you will be billed for the replacement compressor.
Consideration may be given at this time to a compressor
teardown analysis, depending on the history of failures.
equipment that includes the extended 2nd -5th year
compressor warranty option, the replacement compressor
must be ordered through the
Parts Department
Contact the
Parts Department for compressor
Send the
Parts Department a completed parts
order form.
The Parts Department will process the order and the
compressors will be shipped from our Dayton, OH
warehouse via ground transportation. If next-day air is
required, you will need to indicate this on the parts order
form and a freight charge will be billed to your account. Air
freight costs are not covered under the
After the failed compressor has been replaced, it must be
returned to
Daikin Applied
with a Return Goods Tag
attached. You will receive the tag in the mail and it must
be attached to the compressor. The Return Goods Tag will
have instructions on where to send the compressor. If the
compressor is not returned, you will be billed for the
replacement compressor.
Consideration may be given at this time to a compressor
teardown analysis, depending on the history of failures.
In-Warranty Return Material Procedure
Material other than compressors may not be returned except by
permission of authorized factory service personnel of
at Minneapolis, Minnesota.
A “return goods” tag will be sent to be included with the
returned material. Enter the information as called for on the tag
in order to expedite handling at out factories and issuance of
credits. All parts shall be returned to the factory designated on
the return goods tag, transportation charges prepaid.
The return of the part does not constitute an order for
replacement. A purchase order for the replacement part must
be entered through your nearest
representative. The
order should include the component's part number and
description and the model and serial numbers of the unit
If it is determined that the failure of the returned part is due to
faulty material or workmanship within the standard warranty
period, credit will be issued on the customer's purchase order.