Safety Precautions
, The precautions described herein are classified as WARNING and CAUTION. They both contain important
information regarding safety. Be sure to observe all precautions without faiL
, Meaning of WARNING and CAUTION notices
, The safety marks shown in this manual have the following meanings:
Ba sure to follow the instruction,,
Bo suss lo ssssblish su soUh sssusslioo,
I Navar attempt
, After completing installation, conduct a trial operation to check for faults and explain to the customer how to
operate the air conditioner and take care of it with the aid ol the operation manuaL
your dealer or qualified personnel to carry out installation work,
Do not attempt In Install tJ1e elr com.1il'loner youraelt Improper Installation may result In water leaka{,e, electric i.t1ocks or fire.
" Install the air conditioner in accordance with tha inslrucl:ions in this installation manual, Improper lnlilt.illat.lon miy reiult In wat&r l&atage, electric 1Shocklil or·!lre
" Be sure lo use only the specified accessories and parts for installation work. Fo1il:Jre to uk1 the 11.1edi&d part, 1n1y re11ult in the unit falling. watar leek•g&, &lectrk 1hoi.Jil or 'ire
* lnitall the air conditioner on a foundation strong enough to withstand the weight of the unit. A found11ton of !tr•ncfl mlily resut in h equipment flllinc ,no cau,i�,c ir)llJ'
, Electrical
must be performed In accordance
relevant local and national ranulations and
1nstruct1ons In tt11s installation manuaL
Be sure to use a dedicated power supply circuit only, lm,utlciency
power circuit C8pacity and improper workm11m1hip may reiult in electric shock.I or ire.
* Use a cable of suitable length, Do not Ul!;e tapped wiree or an extenBion lead, ae thie may cauee overheating, electric shocks or flre
, Make sure that all wiring is secured, the specified wires are used, and that there Is no strain on the terminal
connections or wires. Improper connections or securing of wire• may result in abnormal heat build .. •up or fire.
, When wiring the power supply and connecting the wiring between the indoor and outdoor units, position the wires so that the
control box lid can be securely fastened, lmpmper poaitioning of thn contml box lid may rusult in elnctriG 1hocll.1, firu or ov�n tmating t�mninal&
, If refrinerant gas leaks durin(J installation, ventilate the area immediately,
Toxic gafi. m.&y he produced if the r&frigerent cornea into contsct with fire
'After completing installation, check for refrigerant gas leakage, Toxic gas may be produced if the refrigerant gas
leaks into the room and comee into contact with a e.ource of fire, e.uch ae a fan heater, 11tove or cooker
, When installing or relocating the air conditioner be sure to bleed the refrigerant circuit to enture it is free of air, and use only the specified
refrigerant (R32), Tho prn,ence of air or other foreign matter in thi'l ri'Jfrigemnt circuit c,u1e1 abnormal pm1sure ri11e, which may rn1ult in ei'JUiprnent d1rn1ge and eYen injury.
, During mstallation, attach the refrigerant piping securely before running the compressoL II the ratriger.111 pipe, are 1101 ,u,ched ,nrt the ,1op
valYs is open whan tha compree11or ill run, air will be 11uckad irt caul'ling abnormal pre111ure in tha re!ri1·1eration cycle, which may ra,ult in aquipment damags and vvan injury
" Durinn pump-down, stop ltia rompressor before removing the refrinernnt pipinn. If the oompre1ior i111till running 1nd the 11top valve i1 open during pump-(lown,
1ir will be /Sucked in wh&n the rewigerimt piping i1 removed, Clilwsing lilbnormel pre1111,ure in the refrigeration cycle, which may rMull in equipment d1rn1ge 1n<.1 even injury
Be sure
earth the air
Do not earth the unit to a utility pipe, lightning conductor or telephone earth lead. Imperfect earthing may result in electric shocks.
"Be sure to install an earth leakage circuit breaker. Failure to im11'all en earth leakage circuit hraekar may re!tult. In electric 5�1ock1 or·nre.
, Do not pump down when the refrigerant has leaked, otherwise the compressor may be damaged,
, Do not install the air conditioner at any place where there is a danger of flammable gas leakage,
In the evont o-r • g11 leak1ge, build-up o-r 911 near the air conditioner may caiute a ·tim to break. out
, While following the instructions in this installation manual, install drain piping to ensure proper drainage ana 111su1a1e
piping to prevent condensation. Improper drain piping may reault in im1oor wal'er lealo::ege and property damage.
" Tighten the flare nut according to the ipecified method such as with a torque wrench, If the lare nut 1, too •ght. it may cracl after prolon9ad use, c,u,ing refri9era11t leakag&
, Take adequate steps to prevent ttte outdoor unit being used as a shelter by small animals,
Smell t1inirnel1 mt1iking contect with elechicel pert! ct1n ceu!e mt111lfunction!t, imoke or fire. PleZ11e in&truct the cuatomer to keep the ereft 11round the unit cleen
, The temperature of refrigerant cIrcuIt will be high, please keep the inter-unit wire! away from copper pipe! that are not thennally insulated,
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