Electronic Air Cleaner (ASAS and GSAS) or Media Air
Cleaner (AMU and GMU)
The electronic air cleaner and media air cleaner are multi-po
sitional high efficiency air filtration devices that can be installed
in any position, except with the access door facing down. The
best location for the air cleaner is in the return air duct next
to the blower compartment. Before installing the air cleaner,
consider the application. The electronic air cleaner must be
readily accessible for periodic inspection and cleaning of the
pre-filters and electronic cells while the media air cleaner must
be readily accessible for periodic inspection and replacement
of the Media Air Cleaner (AMU and GMU) filter cartridge (3 per
carton) M0-1056, M1-1056, M2-1056, M8-1056, to maintain
maximum efficiency and trouble-free operation. Carbon Filters
1156-3 and 1856-3 (set of 3) are also available. See Product
Catalog for exact filter for your model.
Power Up
1. 115 VAC power applied to furnace.
2. Integrated ignition control module performs internal
3. Integrated ignition control module LED will light.
4. Integrated ignition control monitors safety circuits contin
5. Furnace awaits call from thermostat.
Normal Heating Sequence
1. R and W thermostat contacts close, initiating a call for
2. Integrated control module performs safety circuit checks.
3. The induced draft blower is energized causing pressure
switch contacts to close. Induced draft blower remains
energized for pre-purge period.
4. Ignitor warm up begins after pre-purge is completed.
The ignition control has a WARM UP PERIOD OF 17
5. Gas valve opens at end of ignitor warm up period, deliv
ering gas to burners to establish flame.
6. The control checks for a signal from the flame sensor
within seven (4) seconds after the gas valve is ener
gized. Gas will only continue to flow if a flame signal is
7. Circulator blower is energized on heat speed following
a fixed thirty (30) second blower on delay.
8. Furnace runs, integrated control module monitors safety
circuits continuously.
9. R and W thermostat contacts open, allowing the gas valve
to cycle off.
10. Induced draft blower is de-energized following a fifteen
(15) -second post purge.
11. Circulator blower is de-energized following heat off delay
Furnace awaits next call from thermostat.
Cooling Mode
The normal operational sequence in cooling mode is as fol
1. R and Y thermostat contacts close, initiating a call for cool.
2. Integrated control module performs safety circuit checks.
3. Outdoor fan and compressor are energized.
4. Circulator blower is energized on cool speed following a
fixed five (5) second on delay.
5. Furnace circulator blower and outdoor cooling unit run,
integrated control module monitors safety circuits contin
6. R and Y thermostat contacts open, completing the call for
7. Outdoor fan and compressor are de-energized.
8. Circulator blower is de-energized following a fixed
sixty-five (65) second cool off delay period.
9. Furnace awaits next call from thermostat.
Fan Only Mode
The normal operational sequence in fan only mode is as
1. R and G thermostat contacts close, initiating a call for
2. Integrated control module performs safety circuit checks.
3. Circulator blower is energized on
heat speed. Electron-
ic air cleaner terminals are energized.
Circulator blower runs, integrated control module
monitors safety circuits continuously.
R and G thermostat contacts open, completing the
call for fan.
Furnace awaits next call from thermostat