background image







Maximum allowable pressure (PS): 



Minimum/maximum allowable temperature (TS*):
* TSmin: Minimum temperature at low pressure



* TSmax: Saturated temperature corresponding
with the maximum allowable pressure (PS): 




Setting of pressure safety device: 



Manufacturing number and manufacturing year:
refer to model nameplate
Maximal zulässiger Druck (PS): 



Minimal/maximal zulässige Temperatur (TS*):
* TSmin: Mindesttemperatur auf der



* TSmax: Sättigungstemperatur die dem maximal
zulässigen Druck (PS) entspricht: 





Einstellung der Druck-Schutzvorrichtung: 


Herstellungsnummer und Herstellungsjahr: siehe
Typenschild des Modells
Pression maximale admise (PS): 



Température minimum/maximum admise (TS*):
* TSmin: température minimum côté basse



* TSmax: température saturée correspondant à la
pression maximale admise (PS): 





Réglage du dispositif de sécurité de pression:



Numéro de fabrication et année de fabrication: se
reporter à la plaquette signalétique du modèle
Maximaal toelaatbare druk (PS): 



Minimaal/maximaal toelaatbare temperatuur
* TSmin: Minimumtemperatuur aan lagedrukzijde:



* TSmax: Verzadigde temperatuur die
overeenstemt met de maximaal toelaatbare druk





Instelling van drukbeveiliging: 



Fabricagenummer en fabricagejaar: zie
naamplaat model
Presión máxima admisible (PS): 



Temperatura mínima/máxima admisible (TS*):
* TSmin: Temperatura mínima en el lado de baja



* TSmax: Temperatura saturada correspondiente
a la presión máxima admisible (PS): 





Ajuste del presostato de seguridad: 



Número de fabricación y año de fabricación:
consulte la placa de especificaciones técnicas del





Pressione massima consentita (PS): 



Temperatura minima/massima consentita (TS*):
* TSmin: temperatura minima nel lato di bassa



* TSmax: temperatura satura corrispondente alla
pressione massima consentita (PS): 





Impostazione del dispositivo di controllo della



Numero di serie e anno di produzione: fare
riferimento alla targhetta del modello
Mέγιστη επιτρεπόμενη πίεση (PS): 



Ελάχιστη/μέγιστη επιτρεπόμενη θερμοκρασία
* TSmin: Ελάχιστη θερμοκρασία για την πλευρά
χαμηλής πίεσης: 



* TSmax: Κορεσμένη θερμοκρασία που
αντιστοιχεί με τη μέγιστη επιτρεπόμενη πίεση





Ρύθμιση της διάταξης ασφάλειας πίεσης: 


Αριθμός κατασκευής και έτος κατασκευής:
ανατρέξτε στην πινακίδα αναγνώρισης του
Pressão máxima permitida (PS): 



Temperaturas mínima e máxima permitidas
* TSmin: Temperatura mínima em baixa pressão:



* TSmax: Temperatura de saturação
correspondente à pressão máxima permitida





Regulação do dispositivo de segurança da



Número e ano de fabrico: consultar a placa de
especificações da unidade
Максимально допустимое давление (PS): 


Минимально/Максимально допустимая
температура (TS*):
* TSmin: Минимальная температура на
стороне низкого давления: 



* TSmax: Температура кипения,
соответствующая максимально допустимому
давлению (PS): 





Настройка устройства защиты по давлению:



Заводской номер и год изготовления:
смотрите паспортную табличку модели






Maks. tilladt tryk (PS): 



Min./maks. tilladte temperatur (TS*):
* TSmin: Min. temperatur på lavtrykssiden: 


* TSmax: Mættet temperatur svarende til maks.
tilladte tryk (PS): 





Indstilling af tryksikringsudstyr: 



Produktionsnummer og fremstillingsår: se
modellens fabriksskilt
Maximalt tillåtet tryck (PS): 



Min/max tillåten temperatur (TS*):
* TSmin: Minimumtemperatur på lågtryckssidan:



* TSmax: Mättnadstemperatur som motsvarar
maximalt tillåtet tryck (PS): 





Inställning för trycksäkerhetsenhet: 



Tillverkningsnummer och tillverkningsår: se
modellens namnplåt
Maksimalt tillatt trykk (PS): 



Minimalt/maksimalt tillatt temperatur (TS*):
* TSmin: Minimumstemperatur på lavtrykkssiden:



* TSmax: Metningstemperatur i samsvar med
maksimalt tillatt trykk (PS): 





Innstilling av sikkerhetsanordning for trykk: 


Produksjonsnummer og produksjonsår: se
modellens merkeplate
Suurin sallittu paine (PS): 



Pienin/suurin sallittu lämpötila (TS*):
* TSmin: Alhaisin matalapainepuolen lämpötila:



* TSmax: Suurinta sallittua painetta (PS)
vastaava kyllästyslämpötila: 





Varmuuspainelaitteen asetus: 



Valmistusnumero ja valmistusvuosi: katso mallin
Maximální přípustný tlak (PS): 



Minimální/maximální přípustná teplota (TS*):
* TSmin: Minimální teplota na nízkotlaké straně:



* TSmax: Saturovaná teplota odpovídající
maximálnímu přípustnému tlaku (PS): 





Nastavení bezpečnostního tlakového zařízení:



Výrobní číslo a rok výroby: viz typový štítek





Najveći dopušten tlak (PS): 



Najniža/najviša dopuštena temperatura (TS*):
* TSmin: Najniža temperatura u području niskog



* TSmax: Standardna temperatura koja odgovara
najvećem dopuštenom tlaku (PS): 



Rashladno sredstvo: 


Postavke sigurnosne naprave za tlak: 



Proizvodni broj i godina proizvodnje: pogledajte
natpisnu pločicu modela
Legnagyobb megengedhető nyomás (PS): 


Legkisebb/legnagyobb megengedhető
hőmérséklet (TS*):
* TSmin: Legkisebb megengedhető hőmérséklet
a kis nyomású oldalon: 



* TSmax: A legnagyobb megengedhető
nyomásnak (PS) megfelelő telítettségi





A túlnyomás-kapcsoló beállítása: 



Gyártási szám és gyártási év: lásd a berendezés
Maksymalne dopuszczalne ciśnienie (PS): 


Minimalna/maksymalna dopuszczalna
temperatura (TS*):
* TSmin: Minimalna temperatura po stronie



* TSmax: Temperatura nasycenia odpowiadająca
maksymalnemu dopuszczalnemu ciśnieniu (PS):



Czynnik chłodniczy: 


Nastawa ciśnieniowego urządzenia



Numer fabryczny oraz rok produkcji: patrz
tabliczka znamionowa modelu
Presiune maximă admisibilă (PS): 



Temperatură minimă/maximă admisibilă (TS*):
* TSmin: Temperatură minimă pe partea de
presiune joasă: 



* TSmax: Temperatură de saturaţie
corespunzând presiunii maxime admisibile (PS):



Agent frigorific: 


Reglarea dispozitivului de siguranţă pentru



Numărul de fabricaţie şi anul de fabricaţie:
consultaţi placa de identificare a modelului






Maksimalni dovoljeni tlak (PS): 



Minimalna/maksimalna dovoljena temperatura
* TSmin: Minimalna temperatura na nizkotlačni



* TSmax: Nasičena temperatura, ki ustreza
maksimalnemu dovoljenemu tlaku (PS): 





Nastavljanje varnostne naprave za tlak: 



Tovarniška številka in leto proizvodnje: glejte
napisno ploščico
Maksimaalne lubatud surve (PS): 



Minimaalne/maksimaalne lubatud temperatuur
* TSmin: Minimaalne temperatuur madalsurve



* TSmax: Maksimaalsele lubatud survele (PS)
vastav küllastunud temperatuur: 





Surve turvaseadme seadistus: 



Tootmisnumber ja tootmisaasta: vaadake mudeli
Максимално допустимо налягане (PS): 


Минимално/максимално допустима
температура (TS*):
* TSmin: Минимална температура от страната
на ниското налягане: 



* TSmax: Температура на насищане,
съответстваща на максимално допустимото
налягане (PS): 





Настройка на предпазното устройство за



Фабричен номер и година на производство:
вижте табелката на модела
Maksimalus leistinas slėgis (PS): 



Minimali/maksimali leistina temperatūra (TS*):
* TSmin: Minimali temperatūra žemo slėgio



* TSmax: Prisotinta temperatūra, atitinkamti
maksimalų leistiną slėgį (PS): 



Šaldymo skystis: 


Apsauginio slėgio prietaiso nustatymas: 


Gaminio numeris ir pagaminimo metai: žiūrėkite
modelio pavadinimo plokštelę
Maksimālais pieļaujamais spiediens (PS): 


Minimālā/maksimālā pieļaujamā temperatūra
* TSmin: Minimālā temperatūra zemā spiediena



* TSmax: Piesātinātā temperatūra saskaņā ar
maksimālo pieļaujamo spiedienu (PS): 





Spiediena drošības ierīces iestatīšana: 



Izgatavošanas numurs un izgatavošanas gads:
skat. modeļa izgatavotājuzņēmuma plāksnītie



Maximálny povolený tlak (PS): 



Minimálna/maximálna povolená teplota (TS*):
* TSmin: Minimálna teplota na nízkotlakovej



* TSmax: Nasýtená teplota korešpondujúca s
maximálnym povoleným tlakom (PS): 





Nastavenie tlakového poistného zariadenia: 


Výrobné číslo a rok výroby: nájdete na výrobnom
štítku modelu
İzin verilen maksimum basınç (PS): 



İzin verilen minimum/maksimum sıcaklık (TS*):
* TSmin: Düşük basınç tarafındaki minimum



* TSmax: İzin verilen maksimum basınca (PS)
karşı gelen doyma sıcaklığı: 





Basınç emniyet düzeninin ayarı: 



İmalat numarası ve imalat yılı: modelin ünite
plakasına bakın






Name and address of the Notified body that
judged positively on compliance with the
Pressure Equipment Directive: 


Name und Adresse der benannten Stelle, die
positiv unter Einhaltung der Druckanlagen-
Richtlinie urteilte: 


Nom et adresse de l’organisme notifié qui a
évalué positivement la conformité à la directive
sur l’équipement de pression: 


Naam en adres van de aangemelde instantie die
positief geoordeeld heeft over de conformiteit met
de Richtlijn Drukapparatuur: 


Nombre y dirección del Organismo Notificado
que juzgó positivamente el cumplimiento con la
Directiva en materia de Equipos de Presión: 






Nome e indirizzo dell’Ente riconosciuto che ha
riscontrato la conformità alla Direttiva sulle
apparecchiature a pressione: 


Όνομα και διεύθυνση του Κοινοποιημένου
οργανισμού που απεφάνθη θετικά για τη
συμμόρφωση προς την Οδηγία Εξοπλισμών υπό


Nome e morada do organismo notificado, que
avaliou favoravelmente a conformidade com a
directiva sobre equipamentos pressurizados: 


Название и адрес органа технической
экспертизы, принявшего положительное
решение о соответствии Директиве об
оборудовании под давлением: 






Navn og adresse på bemyndiget organ, der har
foretaget en positiv bedømmelse af, at udstyret
lever op til kravene i PED (Direktiv for
Trykbærende Udstyr): 


Namn och adress för det anmälda organ som
godkänt uppfyllandet av


Navn på og adresse til det autoriserte organet
som positivt bedømte samsvar med direktivet for
trykkutstyr (Pressure Equipment Directive): 


Sen ilmoitetun elimen nimi ja osoite, joka teki
myönteisen päätöksen painelaitedirektiivin







Název a adresa informovaného orgánu, který
vydal pozitivní posouzení shody se směrnicí o
tlakových zařízeních: 


Naziv i adresa prijavljenog tijela koje je donijelo
pozitivnu prosudbu o usklađenosti sa Smjernicom
za tlačnu opremu: 


A nyomástartó berendezésekre vonatkozó
irányelvnek való megfelelőséget igazoló
bejelentett szervezet neve és címe: 


Nazwa i adres Jednostki notyfikowanej, która
wydała pozytywną opinię dotyczącą spełnienia
wymogów Dyrektywy dot. Urządzeń


Denumirea şi adresa organismului notificat care a
apreciat pozitiv conformarea cu Directiva privind
echipamentele sub







Ime in naslov organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti,
ki je pozitivno ocenil združljivost z Direktivo o
tlačni opremi: 


Teavitatud organi, mis hindas Surveseadmete
Direktiiviga ühilduvust positiivselt, nimi ja


Наименование и адрес на упълномощения
орган, който се е произнесъл положително
относно съвместимостта с Директивата за
оборудване под налягане: 


Atsakingos institucijos, kuri davė teigiamą
sprendimą pagal slėginės įrangos direktyvą
pavadinimas ir adresas: 


Sertifikācijas institūcijas, kura ir devusi pozitīvu
slēdzienu par atbilstību Spiediena lekārtu
Direktīvai, nosaukums un




Názov a adresa certifikačného úradu, ktorý
kladne posúdil zhodu so smernicou pre tlakové


Basınçlı Teçhizat Direktifine uygunluk hususunda
olumlu olarak değerlendiren Onaylanmış
kuruluşun adı ve adresi: 





























 continuation of previous page:



 Fortsetzung der vorherigen Seite:



 suite de la page précédente:



 vervolg van vorige pagina:



 continuación de la página anterior:



 continua dalla pagina precedente:



 συνέχεια από την προηγούμενη σελίδα:



 continuação da página anterior:



 продолжение предыдущей страницы:



 fortsat fra forrige side:



 fortsättning från föregående sida:



 fortsettelse fra forrige side:



 jatkoa edelliseltä sivulta:



 pokračování z předchozí strany:



 nastavak s prethodne stranice:



 folytatás az előző oldalról:



 ciąg dalszy z poprzedniej strony:



 continuarea paginii anterioare:



 nadaljevanje s prejšnje strani:



 eelmise lehekülje järg:



 продължение от предходната страница:



 ankstesnio puslapio tęsinys:



 iepriekšējās lappuses turpinājums:



 pokračovanie z predchádzajúcej strany:



 önceki sayfadan devam:







Design Specifications of the models to which this declaration relates:

Konstruktionsdaten der Modelle auf die sich diese Erklärung bezieht:

Spécifications de conception des modèles auxquels se rapporte cette déclaration:

Ontwerpspecificaties van de modellen waarop deze verklaring betrekking heeft:

Especificaciones de diseño de los modelos a los cuales hace referencia esta declaración:

Specifiche di progetto dei modelli cui fa riferimento la presente dichiarazione:







Προδιαγραφές Σχεδιασμού των μοντέλων με τα οποία σχετίζεται η δήλωση:

Especificações de projecto dos modelos a que se aplica esta declaração:

Проектные характеристики моделей, к которым относится настоящее заявление:

Typespecifikationer for de modeller, som denne erklæring vedrører:

Designspecifikationer för de modeller som denna deklaration gäller:

Konstruksjonsspesifikasjoner for de modeller som berøres av denne deklarasjonen:








Tätä ilmoitusta koskevien mallien rakennemäärittely:

Specifikace designu modelů, ke kterým se vztahuje toto prohlášení:

Specifikacije dizajna za modele na koje se ova izjava odnosi:

A jelen nyilatkozat tárgyát képező modellek tervezési jellemzői:

Specyfikacje konstrukcyjne modeli, których dotyczy deklaracja:

Specificaţiile de proiectare ale modelelor la care se referă această declaraţie:

Specifikacije tehničnega načrta za modele, na katere se nanaša ta deklaracija:







Deklaratsiooni alla kuuluvate mudelite disainispetsifikatsioonid:

Проектни спецификации на моделите, за които се отнася декларацията:

Konstrukcinės specifikacijos modelių, kurie susiję su šia deklaracija:

To modeļu dizaina specifikācijas, uz kurām attiecas šī deklarācija:

Konštrukčné špecifikácie modelu, ktorého sa týka toto vyhlásenie:

Bu bildirinin ilgili olduğu modellerin Tasarım Özellikleri:






Maximum allowable pressure (PS): 



Minimum/maximum allowable temperature (TS*):

* TSmin: Minimum temperature at low pressure side: 



* TSmax: Saturated temperature corresponding with the maximum

allowable pressure (PS): 





Setting of pressure safety device: 



Manufacturing number and manufacturing year: refer to model nameplate

Maximal zulässiger Druck (PS): 



Minimal/maximal zulässige Temperatur (TS*):

* TSmin: Mindesttemperatur auf der Niederdruckseite: 



* TSmax: Sättigungstemperatur die dem maximal zulässigen Druck (PS)






Einstellung der Druck-Schutzvorrichtung: 



Herstellungsnummer und Herstellungsjahr: siehe Typenschild

des Modells

Pression maximale admise (PS): 



Température minimum/maximum admise (TS*):

* TSmin: température minimum côté basse pression: 



* TSmax: température saturée correspondant à la pression maximale

admise (PS): 





Réglage du dispositif de sécurité de pression: 



Numéro de fabrication et année de fabrication: se reporter à la plaquette

signalétique du modèle

Maximaal toelaatbare druk (PS): 



Minimaal/maximaal toelaatbare temperatuur (TS*):

* TSmin: Minimumtemperatuur aan lagedrukzijde: 



* TSmax: Verzadigde temperatuur die overeenstemt met de maximaal

toelaatbare druk (PS): 





Instelling van drukbeveiliging: 



Fabricagenummer en fabricagejaar: zie naamplaat model

Presión máxima admisible (PS): 



Temperatura mínima/máxima admisible (TS*):

* TSmin: Temperatura mínima en el lado de baja presión: 



* TSmax: Temperatura saturada correspondiente a la presión máxima

admisible (PS): 





Ajuste del presostato de seguridad: 



Número de fabricación y año de fabricación: consulte la placa

de especificaciones técnicas del modelo





Pressione massima consentita (PS): 



Temperatura minima/massima consentita (TS*):

* TSmin: temperatura minima nel lato di bassa pressione: 



* TSmax: temperatura satura corrispondente alla pressione massima

consentita (PS): 





Impostazione del dispositivo di controllo della pressione: 



Numero di serie e anno di produzione: fare riferimento alla targhetta del


Mέγιστη επιτρεπόμενη πίεση (PS): 



Ελάχιστη/μέγιστη επιτρεπόμενη θερμοκρασία (TS*):

* TSmin: Ελάχιστη θερμοκρασία για την πλευρά χαμηλής πίεσης: 



* TSmax: Κορεσμένη θερμοκρασία που αντιστοιχεί με τη μέγιστη

επιτρεπόμενη πίεση (PS): 





Ρύθμιση της διάταξης ασφάλειας πίεσης: 



Αριθμός κατασκευής και έτος κατασκευής: ανατρέξτε στην πινακίδα

αναγνώρισης του μοντέλου

Pressão máxima permitida (PS): 



Temperaturas mínima e máxima permitidas (TS*):

* TSmin: Temperatura mínima em baixa pressão: 



* TSmax: Temperatura de saturação correspondente à pressão máxima

permitida (PS): 





Regulação do dispositivo de segurança da pressão: 



Número e ano de fabrico: consultar a placa de especificações

da unidade

Максимально допустимое давление (PS): 



Минимально/Максимально допустимая температура (TS*):

* TSmin: Минимальная температура на стороне низкого давления:



* TSmax: Температура кипения, соответствующая максимально

допустимому давлению (PS): 





Настройка устройства защиты по давлению: 



Заводской номер и год изготовления: смотрите паспортную табличку







Maks. tilladt tryk (PS): 



Min./maks. tilladte temperatur (TS*):

* TSmin: Min. temperatur på lavtrykssiden: 



* TSmax: Mættet temperatur svarende til maks. tilladte tryk (PS): 





Indstilling af tryksikringsudstyr: 



Produktionsnummer og fremstillingsår: se modellens fabriksskilt

Maximalt tillåtet tryck (PS): 



Min/max tillåten temperatur (TS*):

* TSmin: Minimumtemperatur på lågtryckssidan: 



* TSmax: Mättnadstemperatur som motsvarar maximalt tillåtet tryck (PS):





Inställning för trycksäkerhetsenhet: 



Tillverkningsnummer och tillverkningsår: se modellens namnplåt

Maksimalt tillatt trykk (PS): 



Minimalt/maksimalt tillatt temperatur (TS*):

* TSmin: Minimumstemperatur på lavtrykkssiden: 



* TSmax: Metningstemperatur i samsvar med maksimalt tillatt trykk (PS):





Innstilling av sikkerhetsanordning for trykk: 



Produksjonsnummer og produksjonsår: se modellens merkeplate

Suurin sallittu paine (PS): 



Pienin/suurin sallittu lämpötila (TS*):

* TSmin: Alhaisin matalapainepuolen lämpötila: 



* TSmax: Suurinta sallittua painetta (PS) vastaava kyllästyslämpötila:





Varmuuspainelaitteen asetus: 



Valmistusnumero ja valmistusvuosi: katso mallin nimikilpi

Maximální přípustný tlak (PS): 



Minimální/maximální přípustná teplota (TS*):

* TSmin: Minimální teplota na nízkotlaké straně: 



* TSmax: Saturovaná teplota odpovídající maximálnímu přípustnému

tlaku (PS): 





Nastavení bezpečnostního tlakového zařízení: 



Výrobní číslo a rok výroby: viz typový štítek modelu





Najveći dopušten tlak (PS): 



Najniža/najviša dopuštena temperatura (TS*):

* TSmin: Najniža temperatura u području niskog tlaka: 



* TSmax: Standardna temperatura koja odgovara najvećem dopuštenom

tlaku (PS): 



Rashladno sredstvo: 


Postavke sigurnosne naprave za tlak: 



Proizvodni broj i godina proizvodnje: pogledajte natpisnu pločicu modela

Legnagyobb megengedhető nyomás (PS): 



Legkisebb/legnagyobb megengedhető hőmérséklet (TS*):

* TSmin: Legkisebb megengedhető hőmérséklet a kis nyomású oldalon:



* TSmax: A legnagyobb megengedhető nyomásnak (PS) megfelelő

telítettségi hőmérséklet: 





A túlnyomás-kapcsoló beállítása: 



Gyártási szám és gyártási év: lásd a berendezés adattábláján

Maksymalne dopuszczalne ciśnienie (PS): 



Minimalna/maksymalna dopuszczalna temperatura (TS*):

* TSmin: Minimalna temperatura po stronie niskociśnieniowej: 



* TSmax: Temperatura nasycenia odpowiadająca maksymalnemu

dopuszczalnemu ciśnieniu (PS): 



Czynnik chłodniczy: 


Nastawa ciśnieniowego urządzenia bezpieczeństwa: 



Numer fabryczny oraz rok produkcji: patrz tabliczka znamionowa modelu

Presiune maximă admisibilă (PS): 



Temperatură minimă/maximă admisibilă (TS*):

* TSmin: Temperatură minimă pe partea de presiune joasă: 



* TSmax: Temperatură de saturaţie corespunzând presiunii maxime

admisibile (PS): 



Agent frigorific: 


Reglarea dispozitivului de siguranţă pentru presiune: 



Numărul de fabricaţie şi anul de fabricaţie: consultaţi placa de identificare

a modelului






Maksimalni dovoljeni tlak (PS): 



Minimalna/maksimalna dovoljena temperatura (TS*):

* TSmin: Minimalna temperatura na nizkotlačni strani: 



* TSmax: Nasičena temperatura, ki ustreza maksimalnemu dovoljenemu

tlaku (PS): 





Nastavljanje varnostne naprave za tlak: 



Tovarniška številka in leto proizvodnje: glejte napisno ploščico

Maksimaalne lubatud surve (PS): 



Minimaalne/maksimaalne lubatud temperatuur (TS*):

* TSmin: Minimaalne temperatuur madalsurve küljel: 



* TSmax: Maksimaalsele lubatud survele (PS) vastav küllastunud






Surve turvaseadme seadistus: 



Tootmisnumber ja tootmisaasta: vaadake mudeli andmeplaati

Максимално допустимо налягане (PS): 



Минимално/максимално допустима температура (TS*):

* TSmin: Минимална температура от страната на ниското налягане:



* TSmax: Температура на насищане, съответстваща на максимално

допустимото налягане (PS): 





Настройка на предпазното устройство за налягане: 



Фабричен номер и година на производство: вижте табелката

на модела

Maksimalus leistinas slėgis (PS): 



Minimali/maksimali leistina temperatūra (TS*):

* TSmin: Minimali temperatūra žemo slėgio pusėje: 



* TSmax: Prisotinta temperatūra, atitinkamti maksimalų leistiną slėgį




Šaldymo skystis: 


Apsauginio slėgio prietaiso nustatymas: 



Gaminio numeris ir pagaminimo metai: žiūrėkite modelio pavadinimo


Maksimālais pieļaujamais spiediens (PS): 



Minimālā/maksimālā pieļaujamā temperatūra (TS*):

* TSmin: Minimālā temperatūra zemā spiediena pusē: 



* TSmax: Piesātinātā temperatūra saskaņā ar maksimālo pieļaujamo

spiedienu (PS): 





Spiediena drošības ierīces iestatīšana: 



Izgatavošanas numurs un izgatavošanas gads: skat. modeļa

izgatavotājuzņēmuma plāksnītie



Maximálny povolený tlak (PS): 



Minimálna/maximálna povolená teplota (TS*):

* TSmin: Minimálna teplota na nízkotlakovej strane: 



* TSmax: Nasýtená teplota korešpondujúca s maximálnym povoleným

tlakom (PS): 





Nastavenie tlakového poistného zariadenia: 



Výrobné číslo a rok výroby: nájdete na výrobnom štítku modelu

İzin verilen maksimum basınç (PS): 



İzin verilen minimum/maksimum sıcaklık (TS*):

* TSmin: Düşük basınç tarafındaki minimum sıcaklık: 



* TSmax: İzin verilen maksimum basınca (PS) karşı gelen doyma






Basınç emniyet düzeninin ayarı: 



İmalat numarası ve imalat yılı: modelin ünite plakasına bakın























Name and address of the Notified body that judged positively

on compliance with the Pressure Equipment Directive: 


Name und Adresse der benannten Stelle, die positiv unter Einhaltung der

Druckanlagen-Richtlinie urteilte: 


Nom et adresse de l’organisme notifié qui a évalué positivement la

conformité à la directive sur l’équipement de pression: 


Naam en adres van de aangemelde instantie die positief geoordeeld

heeft over de conformiteit met de Richtlijn Drukapparatuur: 


Nombre y dirección del Organismo Notificado que juzgó positivamente el

cumplimiento con la Directiva en materia de Equipos de Presión: 






Nome e indirizzo dell’Ente riconosciuto che ha riscontrato la conformità

alla Direttiva sulle apparecchiature a pressione: 


Όνομα και διεύθυνση του Κοινοποιημένου οργανισμού που απεφάνθη

θετικά για τη συμμόρφωση προς την Οδηγία Εξοπλισμών υπό Πίεση:


Nome e morada do organismo notificado, que avaliou favoravelmente a

conformidade com a directiva sobre equipamentos pressurizados: 


Название и адрес органа технической экспертизы, принявшего

положительное решение о соответствии Директиве об оборудовании

под давлением: 






Navn og adresse på bemyndiget organ, der har foretaget en positiv

bedømmelse af, at udstyret lever op til kravene i PED (Direktiv for

Trykbærende Udstyr): 


Namn och adress för det anmälda organ som godkänt uppfyllandet av



Navn på og adresse til det autoriserte organet som positivt bedømte

samsvar med direktivet for trykkutstyr (Pressure Equipment Directive):


Sen ilmoitetun elimen nimi ja osoite, joka teki myönteisen päätöksen

painelaitedirektiivin noudattamisesta: 







Název a adresa informovaného orgánu, který vydal pozitivní posouzení

shody se směrnicí o tlakových zařízeních: 


Naziv i adresa prijavljenog tijela koje je donijelo pozitivnu prosudbu o

usklađenosti sa Smjernicom za tlačnu opremu: 


A nyomástartó berendezésekre vonatkozó irányelvnek való

megfelelőséget igazoló bejelentett szervezet neve és címe: 


Nazwa i adres Jednostki notyfikowanej, która wydała pozytywną opinię

dotyczącą spełnienia wymogów Dyrektywy dot. Urządzeń Ciśnieniowych:


Denumirea şi adresa organismului notificat care a apreciat pozitiv

conformarea cu Directiva privind echipamentele sub








Ime in naslov organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki je pozitivno ocenil

združljivost z Direktivo o tlačni opremi: 


Teavitatud organi, mis hindas Surveseadmete Direktiiviga ühilduvust

positiivselt, nimi ja aadress: 


Наименование и адрес на упълномощения орган, който

се е произнесъл положително относно съвместимостта

с Директивата за оборудване под налягане: 


Atsakingos institucijos, kuri davė teigiamą sprendimą pagal slėginės

įrangos direktyvą pavadinimas ir adresas: 


Sertifikācijas institūcijas, kura ir devusi pozitīvu slēdzienu par atbilstību

Spiediena lekārtu Direktīvai, nosaukums un





Názov a adresa certifikačného úradu, ktorý kladne posúdil zhodu so

smernicou pre tlakové zariadenia: 


Basınçlı Teçhizat Direktifine uygunluk hususunda olumlu olarak

değerlendiren Onaylanmış kuruluşun adı ve adresi: 




Jan Olieslagerslaan 35

1800 Vilvoorde, Belgium

Hiromitsu Iwasaki


Ostend, 1st of October 2021

Содержание Altherma 3 R ECH2O

Страница 1: 3 R ECH O English Installation manual Daikin Altherma 3 R ECH O EBSH11P30DF EBSHB11P30DF EBSH11P50DF EBSHB11P50DF EBSH16P30DF EBSHB16P30DF EBSH16P50DF EBSHB16P50DF EBSX11P30DF EBSXB11P30DF EBSX11P50DF EBSXB11P50DF EBSX16P30DF EBSXB16P30DF EBSX16P50DF EBSXB16P50DF ...

Страница 2: ...ostanowieniami Dyrektyw în urma prevederilor 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ob upoštevanju določb vastavalt nõuetele следвайки клаузите на laikantis nuostatų pateikiamų ievērojot prasības kas noteiktas održiavajúc ustanovenia bunun koşullarına uygun olarak 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Directives as amended Direktiven gemäß Änderung Directives telles que modifiées Richtlijnen zoals geamendeerd Directivas según...

Страница 3: ...urin sallittu lämpötila TS TSmin Alhaisin matalapainepuolen lämpötila L C TSmax Suurinta sallittua painetta PS vastaava kyllästyslämpötila M C Kylmäaine N Varmuuspainelaitteen asetus P bar Valmistusnumero ja valmistusvuosi katso mallin nimikilpi Maximální přípustný tlak PS K bar Minimální maximální přípustná teplota TS TSmin Minimální teplota na nízkotlaké straně L C TSmax Saturovaná teplota odpov...

Страница 4: ...tput 29 6 3 10 To connect the changeover to external heat source 30 6 3 11 To connect the power consumption digital inputs 30 6 3 12 To connect the safety thermostat normally closed contact 31 6 3 13 To connect a Smart Grid 32 6 3 14 To connect the WLAN cartridge 34 6 3 15 To connect the solar input 34 6 3 16 To connect the DHW output 34 7 Configuration 35 7 1 Overview Configuration 35 7 1 1 To ac...

Страница 5: ...ce shall be stored in a room without continuously operating ignition sources example open flames an operating gas appliance or an operating electric heater WARNING DO NOT reuse refrigerant piping that has been used with any other refrigerant Replace the refrigerant pipes or clean thoroughly WARNING Follow the service space dimensions in this manual for correct installation of the unit See 4 1 1 In...

Страница 6: ...s equipped with an inverter A phase advancing capacitor will reduce performance and may cause accidents WARNING The backup heater MUST have a dedicated power supply and MUST be protected by the safety devices required by the applicable legislation WARNING If the supply cord is damaged it MUST be replaced by the manufacturer its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazar...

Страница 7: ...e the handles add the screw plugs again and insert the thread covers on the plugs 4 Unit installation 4 1 Preparing the installation site WARNING The appliance shall be stored in a room without continuously operating ignition sources example open flames an operating gas appliance or an operating electric heater WARNING DO NOT reuse refrigerant piping that has been used with any other refrigerant R...

Страница 8: ... than those recommended by the manufacturer Be aware that R32 refrigerant does NOT contain an odour WARNING The appliance shall be stored so as to prevent mechanical damage and in a well ventilated room without continuously operating ignition sources example open flames an operating gas appliance or an operating electric heater and have a room size as specified below NOTICE Do NOT re use joints an...

Страница 9: ...release Actual release height 1a 2a Without chimney From floor to top of the unit For 300 l units Hrelease 1 89 m For 500 l units Hrelease 1 90 m 1b 2b With chimney From floor to top of the chimney For 300 l units Hrelease 1 89 m Chimney height For 500 l units Hrelease 1 90 m Chimney height 3a Installation with chimney connected to the outside The release height is not relevant There are no requir...

Страница 10: ...F Daikin Altherma 3 R ECH O 4P663483 1A 2021 11 1 1 1 1 a b c d d b a c a Chimney socket b Securing clip c O ring d Flat gasket Socket s connection point for the chimney 1 male thread Use a compatible counterpart for the chimney Make sure the connection is airtight ...

Страница 11: ...refrigerant charge and the given release height without chimney START PATTERN 1 PATTERN 2 A B Anv Anv min Min 50 of Anv min PATTERN 2 Conditions ventilation openings If you want to take advantage of the floor area of the adjacent room you must provide 2 openings one at the bottom one at the top between the rooms to ensure natural ventilation The openings must comply with the following conditions B...

Страница 12: ... with Anv min and with the Conditions ventilation openings on previous page See table 3 For ΔH1 Can the maximum chimney length be respected and is the chimney practically feasible See table 2 Do you need a chimney or not i e does table 2 result in a value or Yes No No Yes Needed i e table 2 results in a value Not needed i e table 2 results in Go to PATTERN 3 H1 ΔH1 Anv Anv min A B A B ΔH1 You can ...

Страница 13: without chimney m 1 89 Unit 300 l 1 90 Unit 500 l 3 8 12 37 12 18 4 13 71 13 49 4 5 17 35 17 08 5 21 42 21 08 5 5 25 92 25 51 5 8 28 82 28 37 Table 2 Minimum release height Take the following into account For intermediate floor areas use the column with the lower value Example If the floor area is 22 50 m use the column of 20 00 m For intermediate refrigerant charges use the row with the higher...

Страница 14: ...gerant charges use the table with the higher value Example If the refrigerant charge is 4 3 kg use the table of 4 8 kg For intermediate floor areas use the column with the lower value Example If the floor area is 12 50 m use the column of 10 00 m For intermediate release height values use the row with the lower value Example If the release height is 1 95 m use the row of 1 90 m Anv Bottom opening ...

Страница 15: ...the unoccupied room If the opening starts from the floor the height of the opening must be 20 mm a2 Top opening for natural ventilation between room A and the outside Must be a permanent opening that cannot be closed Must be 50 of Anv min minimum bottom opening area as specified in the table below Must be 1 5 m from the floor of the unoccupied room Anv min minimum bottom opening area for natural v...

Страница 16: ...nit 1 Close the cover of the switch box 2 Reinstall the top cover 3 Put the switch box back into place 4 Reinstall the user interface panel NOTICE When closing the indoor unit make sure that the tightening torque does NOT exceed 4 1 N m 4 3 Mounting the indoor unit 4 3 1 To install the indoor unit 1 Lift the indoor unit from the pallet and place it on the floor Also see 3 1 2 To handle the indoor ...

Страница 17: ...tional requirements Piping length See 4 1 1 Installation site requirements of the indoor unit 47 Piping material Phosphoric acid deoxidised seamless copper Piping connections Only flare and brazed connections are allowed The indoor and outdoor units have flare connections Connect both ends without brazing If brazing should be needed take the guidelines in the installer reference guide into account...

Страница 18: ...exceeded The minimum water pressure to operate is 1 bar Water pressure Storage tank The water inside the storage tank is not pressurized Therefore a visual check of the water level in the storage tank has to be carried out annually Water temperature All installed piping and piping accessories valve connections MUST withstand the following temperatures INFORMATION The following illustration is an e...

Страница 19: ...rse order 2 3 1 1 2 Connect the shut off valves using the flat gaskets accessory bag to the space heating cooling water pipes of the indoor unit 3 Connect the space heating cooling field piping to the shut off valves using a sealing Do NOT exceed the maximum tightening torque Thread size 1 25 30 N m To avoid damage apply the necessary countertorque with a suitable tool 2 Ø7 mm 1 3 4 Connect the do...

Страница 20: ...LECTROCUTION During the filling process water can escape from any leaking point and can cause an electrical shock if it comes into contact with live parts Before the filling process de energise the unit After the first filling and before switching on the unit with the mains switch check whether all electric parts and connection points are dry 1 Connect a hose with a non return valve 1 2 and an ext...

Страница 21: ...of the field piping Normally closed valves located indoors near the piping entry exit points can prevent that all water from indoor piping is drained when the freeze protection valves open NOTICE When freeze protection valves are installed set the minimum cooling setpoint default 7 C at least 2 C higher than the maximum opening temperature of the freeze protection valve If lower freeze protection ...

Страница 22: ...About electrical compliance Only for the backup heater of the indoor unit See 6 3 3 To connect the backup heater power supply 425 6 2 Guidelines when connecting the electrical wiring Tightening torques Indoor unit Item Tightening torque N m M4 X1M 1 2 M4 X12M X15M 0 88 10 Indoor unit BUH option Item Tightening torque N m M4 X6M 3V 6V 2 45 10 M4 X6M 9W 1 2 6 3 Connections to the indoor unit Item De...

Страница 23: ...ion and operation manual of the Human Comfort Interface Addendum book for optional equipment Wires 2 0 75 1 25 mm Maximum length 500 m 2 9 Control 1 6 Room sensor offset WLAN module See Installation manual of the WLAN module Addendum book for optional equipment Use the cable delivered with the WLAN module D Wireless gateway for room thermostat wired or wireless In case of See Wireless room thermos...

Страница 24: ...minals is NOT in service position while cables are connected to one of the terminals Otherwise the cables could be too short X12M 6 3 2 To connect the main power supply 1 Open the following see 4 2 1 To open the indoor unit 415 1 User interface panel 1 3 4 2 2 Switch box 3 Switch box cover 4 Top cover 2 Connect the main power supply In case of normal kWh rate power supply Interconnection cable Wir...

Страница 25: ...enefit kWh power supply A A B B X1M 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 c X 5M 1 3x b a S1S c 3 4 a 1 2 3 230 V AC 6 3 A 1N 50 Hz b L N F2B 1 3 2 4 I I Q DI 2 6 5 3x a Interconnection cable b Power supply indoor unit c Preferential power supply contact 3 Fix the cable with cable ties to the cable tie mountings General information see 6 3 1 To connect the electrical wiring to the indoor unit 423 6 3 3 To connect the b...

Страница 26: ...voltage systems with input current 16 A and 75 A per phase b This equipment complies with EN IEC 61000 3 11 European International Technical Standard setting the limits for voltage changes voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low voltage supply systems for equipment with rated current 75 A provided that the system impedance Zsys is less than or equal to Zmax at the interface point between th...

Страница 27: ...tion cables from the backup heater EKECBU to the appropriate connectors as shown in the illustration below 3 Fix the cable with cable ties to the cable tie mountings General information see 6 3 1 To connect the electrical wiring to the indoor unit 423 6 3 5 To connect the shut off valve INFORMATION Shut off valve usage example In case of one LWT zone and a combination of underfloor heating and hea...

Страница 28: ...nd X5M 3 1 Open the following see 4 2 1 To open the indoor unit 415 1 User interface panel 1 3 4 2 2 Switch box 3 Switch box cover 4 Top cover 2 Connect the electricity meters cable to the appropriate terminals as shown in the illustration below B A B 5 6 9 10 5 6 9 10 S3S S2S X 5M 1 A 3 Fix the cable with cable ties to the cable tie mountings General information see 6 3 1 To connect the electrica...

Страница 29: ... the alarm output cable to the appropriate terminals as shown in the illustration below A A B B 1 2 X 2M 1 N L Alarm output Max load 0 3 A 230 V AC 1 A 5 V DC 1 2 3 Fix the cable with cable ties to the cable tie mountings General information see 6 3 1 To connect the electrical wiring to the indoor unit 423 6 3 9 To connect the space cooling heating ON OFF output INFORMATION Cooling is only applica...

Страница 30: ...nel 1 3 4 2 2 Switch box 3 Switch box cover 4 Top cover 2 Connect the changeover to external heat source cable to the appropriate terminals as shown in the illustration below A A B B 3 4 X 2M 1 N L Ext heat source Max load 0 3 A 230 V AC 1 A 5 V DC 3 4 3 Fix the cable with cable ties to the cable tie mountings General information see 6 3 1 To connect the electrical wiring to the indoor unit 423 6 ...

Страница 31: ...n the indoor unit 415 1 User interface panel 1 3 4 2 2 Switch box 3 Switch box cover 4 Top cover 2 Connect the safety thermostat normally closed cable to the appropriate terminals as shown in the illustration below Note The jumper wire factory mounted must be removed from the respective terminals A B A B 7 8 X 5M 1 8 Q4L 7 3 Fix the cable with cable ties to the cable tie mountings General informat...

Страница 32: ...f the Smart Grid in case of low voltage contacts is as follows 8 7 S11S 6 5 S S 10 4 3 X 5M 1 S S 4 10 9 a 2 1 a Jumper factory mounted If you also connect a safety thermostat Q4L replace the jumper with the safety thermostat wires S4S Smart Grid pulse meter 1 S10S Low voltage Smart Grid contact 1 2 S11S Low voltage Smart Grid contact 2 1 Connect the wiring as follows B A B X 5M 1 A X 5M 4 1 X 5M ...

Страница 33: Grid relay kit EKRELSG and remove the terminal X M 10 K1A X10M K2A 3 Install the components of the Smart Grid relay kit as follows 2 2 K1A K2A X15M X12M X 5M M X 1 12 3 4 5 6 X15M 3 X12M 23 X12M 24 X12M 25 X12M 25 X15M 5 X15M 4 X15M 6 23 24 25 4 Connect the low voltage wiring as follows A B A B X 5M 1 S4S X 5M 10 1 X 5M 9 1 5 9 10 5 Connect the high voltage wiring as follows ...

Страница 34: ...0 5 mm Solar input contact 5 V DC voltage supplied by PCB 1 Open the following see 4 2 1 To open the indoor unit 415 1 User interface panel 1 3 4 2 2 Switch box 3 Switch box cover 4 Top cover 2 Connect the solar input cable as shown in the illustration below A A B B 13 14 X 5M 1 13 14 Solar input 3 Fix the cable with cable ties to the cable tie mountings General information see 6 3 1 To connect th...

Страница 35: ...e most used commands 435 Afterwards If necessary you can make changes to the configuration in the menu structure or the overview settings INFORMATION When the configuration wizard is finished the user interface will show an overview screen and request to confirm When confirmed the system will restart and the home screen will be displayed Accessing settings Legend for tables You can access the inst...

Страница 36: ...e will guide you using the configuration wizard This way you can set the most important initial settings This way the unit will be able to run properly Afterwards more detailed settings can be done via the menu structure if required 7 2 1 Configuration wizard Language Code Description 7 1 N A Language 7 2 2 Configuration wizard Time and date Code Description 7 2 N A Set the local time and date INF...

Страница 37: ...ages in case of emergency If the boiler is directly connected to the space heating circuit it does NOT act as emergency heater Number of zones The system can supply leaving water to up to 2 water temperature zones During configuration the number of water zones must be set INFORMATION Mixing station If your system layout contains 2 LWT zones you need to install a mixing station in front of the main...

Страница 38: ...t to heat up the storage tank INFORMATION The capacities displayed in the selection menu for 4 0A are only correctly displayed for correct selection of the capacity steps 6 03 and 6 04 INFORMATION Energy data calculations of the unit will only be correct for settings of 6 03 and 6 04 which fit the actually installed backup heater capacity Example For a backup heater with nominal capacity of 6 kW t...

Страница 39: low outdoor temperatures will result in warmer water and vice versa During weather dependent operation the user can shift the water temperature up or down by a maximum of 10 C Schedule Indicates if the desired leaving water temperature is according to a schedule Influence of the LWT setpoint mode 2 4 is as follows In Fixed LWT setpoint mode the scheduled actions consist of desired leaving w...

Страница 40: ...epends on your personal preference See 7 3 4 Using weather dependent curves 441 Availability The weather dependent curve is available for Main zone Heating Main zone Cooling Additional zone Heating Additional zone Cooling Tank only available to installers INFORMATION To operate weather dependent correctly configure the setpoint of the main zone additional zone or tank See 7 3 4 Using weather depen...

Страница 41: Setpoint mode WD heating fixed cooling OR Weather dependent Main zone Cooling 2 4 Main zone Setpoint mode Weather dependent Additional zone Heating 3 4 Additional zone Setpoint mode WD heating fixed cooling OR Weather dependent Additional zone Cooling 3 4 Additional zone Setpoint mode Weather dependent Tank 5 B Tank Setpoint mode Restriction Only available to installers Weather dependent To ch...

Страница 42: ...e Only applicable in external room thermostat control NOTICE If an external room thermostat is used the external room thermostat will control the room frost protection However the room frost protection is only possible if C 2 Space heating cooling On Code Description 2 A C 05 External room thermostat type for the main zone 1 1 contact The used external room thermostat can only send a thermo ON OFF...

Страница 43: ...operation mode Allow electrical heaters Limit setting kW Enable room buffering Allow heater Allow pump 9 9 Power consumption control Power consumption control Type Limit Limit 1 Limit 2 Limit 3 Limit 4 Priority heater BBR16 activation BBR16 power limit 9 Installer settings Configuration wizard Domestic hot water Backup heater Emergency Balancing Water pipe freeze prevention Benefit kWh power suppl...

Страница 44: and outdoor unit Between the local supply panel and the indoor unit Between the indoor unit and the valves if applicable Between the indoor unit and the room thermostat if applicable The system is properly earthed and the earth terminals are tightened The fuses or locally installed protection devices are installed according to this document and have NOT been bypassed The power supply voltage ma...

Страница 45: ...sabled Go to C Operation and turn off Space heating cooling and Tank operation Purpose Perform an actuator test run to confirm the operation of the different actuators For example when you select Pump a test run of the pump will start 1 Set the user permission level to Installer See To change the user permission level 435 2 Go to A 2 Commissioning Actuator test run 3 Select a test from the list Ex...

Страница 46: ...ll result in cracking of the screed NOTICE For the underfloor heating screed dryout to be able to start make sure the following settings are met 4 00 1 C 02 0 D 01 0 4 08 0 4 01 1 9 Hand over to the user Once the test run is finished and the unit operates properly please make sure the following is clear for the user Fill in the installer setting table in the operation manual with the actual settin...

Страница 47: ...r IN screw connection 1 b2 DHW Hot water OUT screw connection 1 c1 Gas refrigerant IN heating mode condenser c2 Liquid refrigerant IN cooling mode evaporator c3 Gas refrigerant OUT cooling mode evaporator c4 Liquid refrigerant OUT heating mode condenser d1 Water IN from bivalent heat source screw connection 1 d2 Water OUT to bivalent heat source screw connection 1 e Pump f Backup heater g Shut off...

Страница 48: ... OFF thermostat wired On OFF thermostat wired On OFF thermostat wireless On OFF thermostat wireless Ext thermistor External thermistor Heat pump convector Heat pump convector Position in switch box English Translation Position in switch box Position in switch box SWB1 Main switch box SWB2 Backup heater switch box Legend A1P Main PCB A2P On OFF thermostat PC power circuit A3P Heat pump convector A8...

Страница 49: ... Normally closed Normally open Normally open Note outputs can be taken from terminal positions X12M 17 L 18 N and X12M 17 L 11 N Max 2 outputs at once are possible this way Note outputs can be taken from terminal positions X12M 17 L 18 N and X12M 17 L 11 N Max 2 outputs at once are possible this way Preferential kWh rate power supply contact 16 V DC detection voltage supplied by PCB Preferential k...

Страница 50: ... only operation 3 core for C H operation 2 core for H only operation communication 2 core OPTIONAL PART External room thermostat Heat pump convector main and or additional zone main X12M 15 16 21 22 add X12M 19 20 21 22 main X12M 15 16 22 add X12M 19 20 22 Cooling heating On OFF output NO valve X 2M 8 1 14 1 NC valve X 2M 1 13 18 Changeover to ext heat source output Alarm output 2 core 2x0 75 2 co...

Страница 51: ......

Страница 52: ...4P663483 1A 2021 11 Copyright 2021 Daikin 4P663483 1 A 00000000 Verantwortung für Energie und Umwelt ...
