Histogram Toolbox-
The histogram is a graph of the number of pixels (Y) per
intensity value (X). The Histogram is a very useful tool for indicating correct scene
lighting and black value, and in the case of color, whether the color is balanced.
One method of manually white
balancing an image is to image
a “white reference” subject and
then adjust the ”Red”, “Green”
and “Blue” gain controls until
the histogram curves match.
Proper exposures are usually
the result when the data gets
close to the 100% intensity at
the extreme right side. This
would indicate the full dynamic
range is used.
Performance Toolbox-
The performance graph gives data on the performance of the
software utilization of the computer. The display shows the video receive rate from
the IEEE1394a interface, the computer’s display rate, as well as the amount of time
the computer uses to convert the video image for display and the actual time required
by the computer to display the image on the screen. This display gives a good
indication of how well the computer is handling the video. In the case shown below,
the video receive rate is 75 frames per second, but the computer can only display the
video at less than 20 frames per second.