Automatic Camera Driver Installation
There are two methods of automatic driver installation: a built in driver install within the
Exponent software application, and the Windows Hardware Wizard. The Exponent software
driver install method below is the preferred method and should provide a foolproof install.
The Windows “Found New Hardware” wizard driver installation is also an acceptable method
which is covered in Appendix-B.
NOTE: The camera driver process must be performed for each camera used.
Exponent Software Camera Driver Install Method
After Exponent software has been installed, start the Exponent software application
before connecting the Excel camera to the computer.
Connect the 1394 cable to the 1394 PCI card and the camera. The “Found New
Hardware Wizard” may start. Select “Cancel” in order to use the Exponent Driver Install.
At this time the Exponent software application should recognize a new Excel camera.
Click “Yes” to begin driver installation.