Daewoo SD-2100 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 23


2nd scart socket

2nd scart socket

If your video has the AV2 output, shown in the diagram below, you can connect other equipment as seen on pages 17-











2nd scart



When connecting other equipment please refer to their manuals for further information. This video manual recommends
the set up as shown on page 17. When connected by this method if the equipment is turned off the video behaves as
normal, but if the equipment is turned on the video will automatically switch over to AV2 mode and displays the
channel of the other equipment, channel selection can only be performed by the other equipment, the video PR+/PR-
buttons have no effect.

To return to normal video use the other equipment must be turned off.

Recording from other Equipment.

Simple recording can be performed, ensure the equipment is turned on and is displaying the correct channel.
Timer recording, set the video to perform a timed recording ensuring AV1 is selected as the channel to be recorded.
Some equipment may have a timer which allows it to be powered on to the correct channel, if this feature is not
available the other equipment should be left powered on.

Front AV

If the video has front input sockets, it is possible to connect devices such as a
camcorder to the video. To watch a camcorder tape the video must be in AVF
mode. Recordings of this input are the same as described on page 20.

DVD-Video(PAL)  02.3.15 5:44 PM  ˘



Содержание SD-2100

Страница 1: ...hregioncode2orALL is a DO NOT mark If this mark is displayed in operating the product please wait for a while then use it If DO NOT mark continues to be displayed in pressing a button after that it means the button does not functioninthecurrentlyplayeddisc Press a product button on the REMOTE then usetheproduct DVDoperation DVD button Videooperation VCR button DVD Video PAL 02 3 15 5 44 PM 1 ...

Страница 2: ...ce throughOSD OnScreenDisplay Byusingthe DISPLAY buttonontheremotecontrol informationontheDVD VCD CDplayeranddisc canbe displayedontheTVscreen Screensaverfunction DVD 3Dsound 3Dsoundeffectusing2speakers Highbit HighSamplingwith27MHz 10bitvideoencoder Highbit Highsamplingwith96MHz 24bitAudioD AConverter Coaxial OpticaldigitalAudiooutput PCM Dolbydigital dts Youcanenjoyhigh leveldigitalaudiobyconnec...

Страница 3: ...lectanddisplayOSDin8languages E G I S F D SW FIN ParentalLockfunction DVD Thisfunctioncanpreventplaybackofsoftwarethatmaybeunsuitableforchildren MultiAudiofunction DVD Theaudiosoundtrackcanbeheardinupto8languages InthecaseofSVCDorVCD itdependsonthedisc The numberofaudiolanguagesdependsonthesoftware MultiSubtitlefunction DVD Thesubtitlecanbeseeminupto32languages InthecaseofSVCDorVCD itdependsonthed...

Страница 4: ...nit require maintenance contact an authorized service location see service procedure Use of control adjustments or the performance of procedures other than those specified may result in hazardous radiation exposure Topreventdirectexposuretothelaserbeam donottrytoopentheenclosure Visiblelaserradiation when open and interlocks defeated DO NOT STARE INTO THE BEAM DANGER Visible laser radiation when o...

Страница 5: ...erious injury to a child or adult as well as serious damage to the unit Use this unit only with a cart stand tripod bracket or table recommended by the manufacturer 8A A unit and cart combination should be moved with care Quick stops excessive force and uneven surfaces may cause the product and cart combination to overturn 9 VENTILATION Slots and openings in the case are provided for ventilation t...

Страница 6: ...pill liquid of any kind on the unit 17 BURDEN Do not place a heavy object on or step on the product The object may fall causing serious personal injury and serious damage to the product 18 DISC Do not use a cracked deformed or repaired disc These discs are easily broken and may cause serious personal injury and product malfunction 19 SERVICING Do not attempt to service this unit yourself as openin...

Страница 7: ...etermine that the unit is in safe operating condition 23 WALL OR CEILING MOUNTING The product should be mounted to a wall or ceiling only as recommended by the manufacturer 24 HEAT The product should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators heat registers stoves or other products including amplifiers that produce heat DVD Video PAL 02 3 15 5 44 PM 6 ...

Страница 8: ...ltopreventleakage Incaseyoudon tusetheunitforalongtime theunitmaynotfunctionproperlyinthefuture Turnonandusethe playeroccasionally Moving Repacktheunitasitwasoriginallypackedatthefactory Alternatively packthisproductwithtowelnottobe damaged Ejectanyvideotape Cleaning Dustoffdirtincabinetorcontrolpanelpartsmoothlywithasoftcloth Forheavydirt soaktheclothinaweakdetergentsolution wringitwellandwipe Us...

Страница 9: ...ideoheadorcut coilingoftapemaycausefailure Tapewithmold Tapeordiscstainedwithjuiceorattachments Tapehavingbreakageconnection Disassembledtape Discwithseverescratch Moisturecondensationmayoccurintape Moisturecondensationdamagesthetape Pleaseusethetapeafter themoisturecondensationisdisappeared Afteruse storetapeverticallyinacasetopreventloose Donotstorethefollowingplaces Hightemperatureandhumidity S...

Страница 10: ...tem 18 Howtoconnectyourplayertoanotherplayer 19 Howtoconnectyourplayertoacamcorder 20 Connecting TVwithS Video DolbyDigitalAmpwithDigitalAudioOutJack 21 2ndScartSocket 22 InitialInstallation 23 Settingtimeanddate OSD OnScreenDisplay ON OFF 25 OutputSelect 26 DVDPlayback 27 VCR Playback 28 Recording 30 VCR Operation TuninginNewStations 33 RecordingCassettes 36 MoreFunctions 39 ConnectionsandCopying...

Страница 11: ...andMultiAngle 55 Memorizingascene 56 Displayingmenusinadisc 57 BasicSETUPMode 58 LANGUAGESetup 59 VIDEOSetup 60 AUDIOSetup 61 OtherSetup 63 AboutDVD 65 BasicinformationaboutVCRandVideotape 68 Beforedoubtingabouttroubles DVD 70 Beforedoubtingabouttroubles VCR 72 Specifications 76 RegionCode 77 Setup DVD Operation The others DVD Video PAL 02 3 15 5 44 PM 10 ...

Страница 12: ...yWindow Displayoperationofdevice Formoreinformation see OperationDisplayWindow inthenextpage 1 DVDoperationdisplaylamp 2 VCRoperationdisplaylamp 3 SELECT button UsetochangeDVDmodetoVCRmode andvice versa 4 STOPbutton Usetostopplaying 5 REWIND button Usetorewindcurrentlybeingplayedvideotapeor disc ortoplaybackbackrapidly 6 Playback PAUSEbutton Playbackvideotapeordisc Pressthisbuttontopauseascreen 7 ...

Страница 13: ...tsetapassword Title ThisisdisplayedinVCDandCDdisc Chapter ThisisdisplayedinDVDdisc Time CounterandCurrentOperation Trayisopened Trayisclosed Discisloaded Thereisnodiscintray Dischassomeerror Menuscreenisdisplayed Setupmenuisdisplayed PowerisON PowerisOFF 1 DolbyDigitalIndicator 2 dtsDiscIndicator 3 3DSoundIndicator 4 MP3DiscIndicator 5 DiscTypeIndicator Currentlyloadeddisctype SVCD VCD DVDetc is d...

Страница 14: ...ctto outletinawall DIGITALOUTPUT COAXIAL OPTICAL Jack Toenjoysoundqualityoftheaterlevelinhome connectthisjackwithamporunitembeddedwith digitalaudiodecoder S VIDEOOUT Jack Toobtainbetterscreenquality connectandusethe unittoTVormonitorinputtedfromS VIDEO AUDIOOUTPUTJack VIDEOOUTPUT Jack EUROAV1Jack EUROAV2 DECODERJack ConnectiontoANTENNA Cable ConnectiontoTV DVD Video PAL 02 3 15 5 44 PM 13 ...

Страница 15: ... moveintoapreviousscene ortrack REVERSESEARCH button 1 VCR PROGRAM Showview button 2 DVD VCR CLOCK COUNTER button 3 DVD ANGLE VCR RecordSPEED button 4 VCR RECbutton 5 DVD VCR NUMBER button VCR TRACKING button 6 DVDSELECTbutton 7 VCRSELECTbutton 8 DVD VCR OSDDISPLAY button 9 OUTPUT Selectionbutton 0 SETUP ENTERbutton CLEAR button DVD 3Dbutton DVD SUBTITLESelectbutton DVD LANGUAGE Select VCR AUDIOSe...


Страница 17: ...V VCRontheremotecontrol TVremotecannowbeusedasnormal Youwillgetbetterpictures andsoundqualityifyouconnectyourplayerwithascartlead Beforeyoustart unplugalltheequipmentfromthemainssupply Television Aerial Thetypeofaerialyoushoulduse dependsonlocalinterference andhowfaryouarefromthe transmitter Youshouldcontacta localretailerifyouhaveany questionsaboutyouraerial Backviewofyourplayer AC110 240V 50 60H...

Страница 18: ...layer through RF lead Beforeyoustart unplugalltheequipmentfromthemainssupply Television Aerial Backviewofyourplayer AC110 240V 50 60Hz Youcanusethisconnectionifyourplayerhastwoscartsockets Thiswillimprovesoundandpicturequalitywhenyou arerecordingfromsatellite Satellite DVD Video PAL 02 3 15 5 44 PM 17 ...

Страница 19: ...socketsonanyaudio amplifier ifneeded Ifyourplayer doesnothavethisconnection see page18 Player AC110 240V 50 60Hz Youcanalsouseascartleadtoimprovepictureandsoundqualityfromyourplayer Hi Fi Aerial Option 2 Television Plugascarttophonocableintothe AV1 socketonthebackpaneland intotheaudiosocketonanyaudio amplifier ifneeded Player AC110 240V 50 60Hz Hi Fi Aerial DVD Video PAL 02 3 15 5 44 PM 18 ...

Страница 20: ...wishtorecordonintothefirstplayerandpressAVuntil AV1 appearsonthefrontdisplay 2 Insertthetapeyouwishtocopyfromintothesecondplayer Presstheplaybuttononthesecondplayer 3 Presstherecordbuttononthefirstplayer Theplayerwillstartrecording Ifyourplayerhastwoscartsockets youcanusetheothersocket AV2 toconnectotherequipment Tousethis function seepage22 AC110 240V 50 60Hz DVD Video PAL 02 3 15 5 44 PM 19 ...

Страница 21: ...y youcanalsoconnectascartleadfrom AV1 onthebackpanelof theplayertothetelevision Tousethisfunction seepage22 Youcanalsoconnectthecamcorderbyusingaphonocableifyourplayerhasfrontinputsockets Checkthefrontofyourplayerforthisconnection seepage22 Camcorder Aerial AC110 240V 50 60Hz Television Player to camcorder ScartPlug toTV DVD Video PAL 02 3 15 5 44 PM 20 ...

Страница 22: ... RGBIN toconnecttoTV Youshouldselect Video Out typeinDVDSET see60P inadvance SelecteitherCOAXIALorOPTICALtoconnecttoampofDolbydigital Ifyouwanttoknowabout Dolbydigital pleasereferto AboutDVD in66p UseinS VIDEOjackattachedinTVorampsupportingDolbydigital Move Select Exit Setup Return Language Video Audio Others TV Aspect 4 3 PS TV Type PAL Video Out S Video Brightness Normal Sharpness Normal RGB S V...

Страница 23: ...channeloftheotherequipment channelselectioncanonlybeperformedbytheotherequipment thevideoPR PR buttonshavenoeffect Toreturntonormalvideousetheotherequipmentmustbeturnedoff RecordingfromotherEquipment Simplerecordingcanbeperformed ensuretheequipmentisturnedonandisdisplayingthecorrectchannel Timerrecording setthevideotoperformatimedrecordingensuringAV1isselectedasthechanneltoberecorded Someequipment...

Страница 24: ... Youshouldseethispicturethefirsttimeyouswitch ontheTVandplayer Chooseyourlanguage 1Thenchooseyourcountry Forselectingthecountry refertothefollowings 2 OKfor AUTOSET AUTOSET tunesinallthestationsyoucanreceive inyourcountryandsortstheminanordercommon foryourcountry Clockisautomaticallyset 3IfotherstationsarepositionedonnearthecurrentRF OUTPUTCH theguidemessageappears automatically Theplayerrecommend...

Страница 25: ...2 ZDF PR09 P 09 PR03 P 03 PR10 P 10 PR04 P 04 PR11 P 11 PR05 MTV PR12 PR06 P 06 PR13 PR07 P 07 PR14 PR SELECT OK CONFIRM SETUP END Ifyoudon tseethispicture becauseyoudon tuseaSCARTcable searchthispicture now CH52 withthestationtuningfunctionsofyourTVset seeitsusermanual IncaseofinterferenceproblemsonCH52 typeinan othertransmissionchannelbetween21and69using thenumberbuttons C H E C K U P DVD Video ...

Страница 26: ...02 SUN Setting time and date Calltheplayer s MAINSETUP 1Choose VCRSETUP Andpressthe OK button 2Select OSDON OFF IfyouwantOSDOFFmode selectitandpress OK buttontoconfirm ThenOSDcharactersarenotdisplayedinthe normalpicture 3 OSD On Screen Display ON OFF Thisplayerissetto OSD OnScreenDisplay ON modebeforeshippingandyoucanchangeittoOFFmode VCR SETUP CLOCK SET LANGUAGE SET RF OUTPUT SET 16 9 SET OSD ON ...

Страница 27: ... Pressthe VCR button thenitbecomestotheVCROPERATIONmode To Select Watch Modes or External Input Press OUTPUT button Wheneveryoupress OUTPUT button DVD VCRPLAYBACK BROADCASTINGRECEPTIONandEXTERNALINPUTisselectedinorder andtheDISPLAYofDVDandVCRwillbechangedaccordingly To Select DVD VCR DVD REPEAT OPEN CLOSE DISPLAY TITLE PBC MENU PR PR OUTPUT PREV REC PROGRAM CLK CNT SPEED ANGLE TRACKING TV VCR MARK...

Страница 28: ...displayedonTVscreen InthecaseofS VCDandVCD2 0 themenusaredisplayedonTVscreenanditis convertedintoPBC PlaybackBackControl mode InthecaseofCD VCD1 1andMP3 thediscplaysinorderofitstracknumbers 4 Tostopit press button Forpause press PLAY PAUSE buttoninplaybackmode Ifyoupressthisbuttononcemore itstartsplaybackagain 5Press OPEN CLOSE buttontoremovethedisc 6 VCR DVD REPEAT OPEN CLOSE DISPLAY TITLE PBC ME...


Страница 30: ...ck NOTE VCRdoesn thaveSlowReversePlaybackfunction Ifyouwanttowatchaseriesofscreensonebyone FRAMEADVANCE press NEXT buttoninPausemode Eachtimeyoupressthisbutton thepictureadvancesoneframe ThisproductincludesautomaticTrackingfunctionandenablesuserstoenjoyclearpicturewithoutanadditional operation Providedthatthefollowingproblemscanbesolvedbythemanualadjustment whichimprovesdisplay quality Ifthescreen...

Страница 31: ...h SPEED button 4Press REC button Then itstartsrecording 5Ifyouwanttopauserecording press PAUSE button Afterpressing PAUSE button ifthepausestatuscontinues forfiveminutes therecordingisreleasedautomatically 6Toexitrecording press STOP button 7 VCR DVD REPEAT OPEN CLOSE DISPLAY TITLE PBC MENU PR PR OUTPUT PREV REC PROGRAM CLK CNT SPEED ANGLE TRACKING TV VCR MARK SEARCH 100 SYSTEM PLAY PAUSE NEXT ZOO...

Страница 32: ...anel DVDplaysandVCRstartsrecording 1 2Toexitcopy press VCR buttonandthen button Ifnot DVDplaysagainandvideocontinuestocopy 3 To Enjoy Another TV Channel or DVD N O T E Tocopyjustwithbuttonsof theremotecontrol after playingDVD press VCR buttonandthen REC button ThisproductincorporatescopyrightprotectiontechnologythatisprotectedbymethodclaimsofcertainU Spatentsand otherintellectualpropertyrightsowne...

Страница 33: ...nt Pressthebuttononceforevery30minutesofprogramyouwishtorecord Uptoten hoursarepossible TocancelSimpleRecordingmode press STOP buttonmorethan5 seconds 1 2 3 WhenyoururgentbusinesshappenssuddenlyinwatchingTVoryouwanttorecordthecurrentTVprogramforthe desiredtime followtheproceduresbelow DVD Video PAL 02 3 15 5 44 PM 32 ...

Страница 34: ...essing Thefinetuningyoucanadjust Whentheprogramisencoded andyouhavea decoderconnectedtosocketEUROAV2 pressthe or toselectONorOFF Changeorcreatethestationname 4 Onceyouseethestationyouwant storeit Tuneinfurtherstations fromstep3onwards orexit tuningmode 5 PR PRESET AUTO SET MANUAL SET PR ERASE PR ALIGN PR SELECT OK CONFIRM MENU END MANUAL SET PR UP DOWN SELECT OK CONFIRM MENU END MANUAL SET PR01 AR...

Страница 35: ...availableinyourregion pleasereferto page22 23 Shouldyouwishtosortorclearstations pleaserefertopage35 C H E C K U P MANUAL SET PR SELECT OK CONFIRM MENU END PR01 ARD PR08 P 08 PR02 ZDF PR09 P 09 PR03 P 03 PR10 P 10 PR04 P 04 PR11 P 11 PR05 MTV PR12 PR06 P 06 PR13 PR07 P 07 PR14 MANUAL SET PR UP DOWN SELECT OK CONFIRM MENU END PR 01 RECEPTION AERIAL AUTOSEARCH CH01 FINE TUNING DECODER ON NAME ____ M...

Страница 36: ...onnumber Confirm 2 Clearing programme locations Calltheplayer s MAINSETUP choose PRPRESET then PRERASE 1Selectthestation locationnumber youwantto clear Reviewthepicture Clear 2 PR ERASE PR SELECT PR VIEW OK ERASE SETUP END PR ALIGN PR ALIGN PR VIEW OK CONFIRM SETUP END PR01ARD PR08 P 08 PR02 ZDF PR09 P 09 PR03 P 03 PR10 P 10 PR04 P 04 PR11 P 11 PR05 MTV PR12 PR06 P 06 PR13 PR07 P 07 PR14 PR01 ARD ...

Страница 37: ...ordings preciselyevenifthebroadcasterdelaysthestarttimeoftheprogrammeslightly Thetimeyou enteristheVPS PDCtimesomustbecorrect NotallstationsofferVPS PDC inwhichcasethe playerwillstartatthetimeyouenterandnottheactualstarttimeoftheprogramme Ifyouwishtostartrecordingataspecifictimewithoutitbeingadjustedbythe VPS PDCsystem intheeventofadelay switchVPS PDCoffotherwisetheplayerwillnotrecord Ifyoudon tha...

Страница 38: ...ingaone digit number Ifyouhavemadeamistake movetothepositionyouwanttochangeusingthe buttons andchangethesetting Ifprogrammetimingsoverlap themachinewillgiveawarningmessage Ifyoudon tadjustthe times themachinewillrecordthefirstprogrammecompletelythencontinuewiththesecond one Ifthereisnosufficientfreespacefortherecordingonthecassettethevideoswitches automaticallyto LP fordoublerecordingcapacity Ther...

Страница 39: ...geusingthe buttons Changethesettingsusingthe PR or number buttons Ifallsettingareok press or tillyousee OK CONFIRM inthebottomline ConfirmchangeswithOK Exitthemenus 2 TIMER PROGRAM PR START END DATE 03 21 20 22 20 14 10 01 18 10 20 30 20 10 PR SELECT OK CONFIRM SETUP END TIMER PROGRAM ONCE PR 03 START TIME 21 20 END TIME 22 20 START DATE 14 10 SAT TAPE SPEED SP VPS PDC ON 0 ERASE CORRECT SETUP END...

Страница 40: ...01 ARD 14 00 14 10 E180 00 48 STEREO ON V Accessing counter zero position Theplayerwillwindtotheposition0 00 00andstop Remaining time and cassette length Calltheplayer s MAINSETUP choose TAPECONTROL Whenyouwanttheplayertoshowthetimeremainingfromthecurrentplayertapeposition to findoutifthereissufficientspaceforarecording forexample Toensuretheremainingtimeshownisaccurate selectthelengthofcassettecu...

Страница 41: ...normalTV format andplaysand recordstheprogramwiththatformat ON Forrecordingtheprogramwith16 9WideScreen format Forplaying thisplayerdetectstherecorded programformatandplaystheprogramwiththat format OFF Forrecordingtheprogramwith4 3normalTV format Forplaying thisplayerdetectstherecordedprogram formatandplaystheprogramwiththatformat VCR SETUP CLOCK SET LANGUAGE SET RF OUTPUT SET 16 9 SET OSD ON OFF ...

Страница 42: ... loud speakersandcomputermonitors forexample Alwayswindthetapetothebeginningwhenyouhavefinished Storewiththefullspoolat thebottomandwiththecassetteinitscover Youcanprotectyourpreciousrecordingsfrombeingwipedbybreakingoutthesafetytabon thesideofthecassette somecassetteshaveaslide Shouldyouwishtore usethetapeafterremovingthetab covertheholewithadhesivetape and Dimmer Yourplayer dimsitsdisplaywhenswi...

Страница 43: ...odialoguemodes dual bilingual usuallytheoriginalsoundtrackand dubbedsoundtrack VHScassetteswithHi FistereosoundandVHScassettewithnormalsound What you can listen to DuringStop theplayerdisplayswhatthecurrentstationis broadcasting Whenyouswitchtoanotherstationorthe currentstationchangesthesoundmode yourplayerdisplays theprogrammeandsoundmodeonscreen ifnot press AUDIO STEREO stereo BILI BILII bilingu...

Страница 44: ...y thenormalmonosoundtrackofaHi Ficassette Duringbroadcastingabilingualperformance Main language originalsoundtrack sub language dubbed bothmainlanguageandsub language OFF Formonoperformances thereisnochoiceavailable PLAY SP Hi Fi L R HI Fi LEFT Hi Fi RIGHT Hi Fi OFF STOP SP PR10 EURO BIL BIL I II BIL I II BIL OFF DVD Video PAL 02 3 15 5 44 PM 43 ...

Страница 45: ...picture TunetheTVtothetestpictureusingthechannelpre setfunctionsofyourTVasdescribedinitsmanual Whenyouhavefoundthetestpicture storeitunder thebuttonnumberonyourTVforplayerinput PresstheOKbuttonoftheplayer sremotecontrol againlongerthan5secondstoreleasethetest picture 1 IfthequalityofthetestpicturetransmittedtotheTVis poorduetointerferencecausedbyastation transmittingonchannel52 youcantunetheplayer...

Страница 46: ...achineto record Switchyourplayertoplaybackatthepositionyouwant copyingtostart TV otherVCR R ANT IN ANT OUT EURO AV1 EURO AV2 DECODER L AUDIO OUT VIDEO OUT S VIDEO OUT OtherVCR DecoderforPay TV Camcorder VideoPlayer SatelliteReceiver AudioAmp devices Assembling Shouldyouwishtoassembleyourownfilm fromcamcorderfootageforexample usetheassemblytechniquefor smootheditpoints Movethetapetothepositionatwhi...

Страница 47: ...meyoupressthebutton playspeedchangeslikethebeloworders x2 x4 x8 x20 x2 Alsoyoucanreturntonormalspeedbypressing button 1Press buttontostartreversefast playinplaying Everytimeyoupressthebutton reverseplayspeedchangeslikethebeloworders x2 x4 x8 x20 x2 Alsoyoucanreturntonormalspeedbypressing button 2 Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DVD buttononthe remotecontrol Beforesettingit y...

Страница 48: ...2 Alsoyoucanreturntonormalspeedbypressing button 1Press buttontoreverse playitslowinPAUSE Everytimeyoupressthebutton slowreverse playspeedchangeslikethebelow orders 1 2 1 4 1 8 1 2 Alsoyoucanreturntonormalspeedbypressing button 2 Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DVD buttononthe remotecontrol DVD Video PAL 02 3 15 5 45 PM 47 ...

Страница 49: ...ingsetting press SETUP ENTER button aftermovingacursorto PlayProgram Then titlesandchapters track areplayedinthe above programmedorder 2 Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DVD buttononthe remotecontrol AvailableonlyinSTOP Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DVD buttononthe remotecontrol Mode1 DVD Program Title Chapter T C T C T C T C 1 4 7 10 2 5 8 11 3 6 9 1...

Страница 50: ...s press SETUP ENTER button Then thecurrentchapterisrepeated 2Press REPEAT buttononemoretime Moveacursorto Title with button thenifthe rightfigureappears press SETUP ENTER button Then thecurrenttitleisrepeated 3Press REPEAT buttononemoretime Moveacursorto Off with button thenifthe rightfigureappears press SETUP ENTER button REPEATmodeisoff 4 Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DV...

Страница 51: ...ton Then thecurrentdiscisrepeated RepeatplaybackofdiscisonlyavailableinPBC OFFmode 3 Press REPEAT buttononemoretime Moveacursorto Off with button thenifthe rightfigureappears press SETUP ENTER button REPEATmodeisoff 4 Mode1 VCD Repeat A B Track Disc Off Mode1 VCD Repeat A Track Disc Off Mode1 VCD Repeat A B Track Disc Off Mode1 VCD Repeat A B Track Disc Off Mode1 VCD Repeat A B Track Disc Off Pres...

Страница 52: ...n 2 Search1 DVD Title 1 2 Chapter 006 1 8 Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DVD buttononthe remotecontrol SEARCH DVD with time Whileinplaying press SEARCH button twice Search2 screenliketherightfigureappears Itshowstotalhours Pleaseenteranewhourstosearchwith NUMBER buttons 1 Search2 DVD Time 02 03 25 Incompletingentering pleasepress SETUP ENTER button PLAYstartsfromtheselected...

Страница 53: ...toDVDbypressing DVD buttononthe remotecontrol SEARCH VCD and CD with time Whileinplaying press SEARCH button twice Search2 screenliketherightfigureappears IncaseofPBCOFF Itshowscurrenttrack stimeandthewholedisc s hours Pleaseenteranewhourstosearchwith NUMBER button IfitisPBCON onlythetrack stimeappears 1 Search2 VCD Track Time 00 03 20 Disc Time 00 48 31 Incompletingentering pleasepress SETUP ENTE...

Страница 54: ... chapter number timeelapsedandREPEATmode 1 Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DVD buttononthe remotecontrol Display DVD Title1 2 Chapter 5 8 Time 00 45 00 Repeat Off Whileinplaying press DISPLAY button Itshowsadisctype thecurrenttrack timeelapsed andREPEATmode 2 Display VCD Track 2 12 Time 00 45 00 Repeat Off DVD Video PAL 02 3 15 5 45 PM 53 ...

Страница 55: ...leinformation everytimeauser presses SUBTITLE button English ENG French FRE Japanese JAP Korean KOR andothersappearonebyone Ifauserpresses OFF button subtitledoesnotappearon screen Subtitle 1 3 ENG Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DVD buttononthe remotecontrol Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DVD buttononthe remotecontrol Selecting 3D Audio Pleasepress C...

Страница 56: ...settingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DVD buttononthe remotecontrol X2 Different Angle Ifadiscincludesmultiangleinformation ausercanwatchascreeninmultiangles Thefunctionislimitedtoa DVDdiscsupportingmultiangleinformation Keeppressing ANGLE buttontillthepreferred angleappears Everytimeauserpresses ANGLE button anangledegrees changesinaconsecutiveorder Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatu...

Страница 57: ...nuouslywiththe samemethod 2 Playing a memorized scene Press MARK button Memorizedbookmarkappearsonscreen 1Moveittopreferredbookmarkbypressing button movestothebookmarkposition Inthemoment press SETUP ENTER buttontoplay it 2 Bookmark DVD A01 30 10 B01 40 00 C Bookmark DVD A B C Bookmark DVD A01 30 10 B C Bookmark DVD A01 30 10 B01 40 00 C N O T E BOOKMARK function duringthediscplayback ofSVCDorVCD2...

Страница 58: ...astitlemenu itisoperatedwith TITLE PBC button VCD Press TITLE PBC button Everytimepressing TITLE PBC button PBCfunctionturnsONandOFFoverand over Menuscreenonlyappearswhenselecting PBCON CDandVCD1 1donotsupportthefunction 1 DVD Moveacursortoarelativeitemwitharrowbuttonsof buttonandselectonewith SETUP ENTER buttonor PLAY button VCD Selectanumberofmenuscreenandpress SETUP ENTER button Ifyouwatchamovi...

Страница 59: ...coveredwith to Video AudioandOthers Press and forthemovementamong menusandpress and fortheselectofa menu 1 Incompletingsettings press RETURN OK buttonor SETUP ENTER button 2 WhileSTOPorResumeSTOP press SETUP ENTER buttontosetmenus Move Select Exit Setup Return Language Video Audio Others OSD Language English Audio English Subtitle English Disc Menu English English Gernan Italian Spanish French Dut...

Страница 60: ...tand recordedintheDISC itisautomaticallyplayedin thesetlanguageineveryplaying Forexample EnglishissetandrecordedasaDISCMENU languageintheDISC itisplayedinEnglish 5 Ausercansetalanguageofmenusinadisc audioandsubtitle N O T E Incaseadiscdoes notincludesetting languages information the selectedlanguage doesnotappear Move Select Exit Setup Return Language Video Audio Others OSD Language English Audio ...

Страница 61: ...ormalandBright 5Selectingavividdegree Ausermayselectavividdegreeofascreen There arethreeofchoices Normal SoftandSharp 6 Move Select Exit Setup Return Language Video Audio Others TV Aspect 4 3 PS TV Type PAL Video Out S Video Brightness Normal Sharpness Normal 4 3 PS 4 3 LB 16 9 Wide Move Select Exit Setup Return Language Video Audio Others TV Aspect 4 3 PS TV Type PAL Video Out S Video Brightness ...

Страница 62: ...nTVorVCR 2monochannels canbecombinedintototal4values Stereo L Mono R MonoandMixedMono 3 Ausermayselectaudiomenuaccordingtoauser sspeakerset WhileDISCSTOPorResumeSTOP press SETUP ENTER button 1 Stereo outputsleft channeland rightchannelto leftspeaker andrightspeaker respectively L Mono outputsleftchanneltoleftspeakerandrightspeaker R Mono outputsrightchanneltoleftspeakerandrightspeaker MixedMono mi...

Страница 63: ...chingenvironment loudsound shouldbeheardlouderwhilesoftsound shouldbeheard softer Likewise very softsound is notaudible andviewersshould raisethesoundlevel Set Off toview aprograminthe dynamicrange asrecorded indisc Ifyou hear loudsoundsofterandsoftsoundlouder seta suitablevaluebelow Full 4 Move Select Exit Setup Return Language Video Audio Others Digital Out Bitstream Dual Mono Stereo Dynamic Ran...

Страница 64: ...elect Exit Setup Return Language Video Audio Others OSD On Angle Mark On Screensaver On Defaults Reset Parental 8 Unlock On Off Move Select Exit Setup Return Language Video Audio Others OSD On Angle Mark On Screensaver On Defaults Reset Parental 8 Unlock On Off Move Select Exit Setup Return Language Video Audio Others OSD On Angle Mark On Screensaver On Defaults Reset Parental 8 Unlock On Off Move...

Страница 65: ...sersettlesthe6thlevel 7thor8th leveldisccannotbeplayed Forthechangeofauser spassword pleasemoveto CHANGEPASSWORD andenternewpassword 2 Theinitialpasswordis3308 Incaseyouforgetnewly inputpassword youcanuse3308asa password C H E C K U P Move Select Exit Setup Return Language Video Audio Others OSD On Angle Mark On Screensaver On Defaults Reset Parental 8 Unlock Password Move Select Exit Setup Return...

Страница 66: ...D CD ROM MP3 File DVD R Possible DVD Video DVD ROM Impossible DVD RAM Impossible DVD RW Impossible Photo CD Impossible REGIONMANAGEMENTINFORMATION ThisunitisdesignedandmanufacturedtorespondtotheRegionManagementinformationthatisrecordedon aDVDdisc Theregionnumberofthisplayeris 2 IftheregionnumberdescribedontheDVDdiscsdoesnot correspondtotheRegionnumberofthisplayer theplayerwillnotplaythisdisc Thisp...

Страница 67: ... ADVDcanbedividedintomaytitles TRACK ItmeanstheinformationrecordedinavideoCDandaudioCD Adiscconsistsofmanyatrack for whichausercansearchacertainposition dts DigitalTheatreSystemisa5 1 channelsurroundsoundsystem whichiswidelyusedinmovietheatres aroundtheworld Itenablesthebitratetobeincreasedtoprovidegoodsoundquality MultiAngle SomeDVDdiscscontainthevariousscenesthathavebeensimultaneouslyshotfromanu...

Страница 68: ...r asubwoofer arearleftandarearright Lstandsforfrontleft Rforfrontright Cforcenter SWforsubwoofer LSforrearleftsurroundandRSfor rearrightsurround Downmix DOWNMIXisreproducingtheproperaudiowhenaudioformatrecordedonadiscdiffersfromthe outputaudiochannelconfiguration Forexample withjustonestereospeakersystemyoucanhearfull 5 1channelaudio S VIDEO TheS VIDEOoutputseparatesthecolor C andluminance Y signa...

Страница 69: ...ohoursbeforeusingit 2 Donotuseitbecauseitmaydeveloptroublesofaplayerorvideotape What is a record tab of a videotape Thetabonavideotapeenablesausertorecordandpreventsthe recordedareafromrerecording Torecordit ausershoulduseavideotapewithatab Ifauserinputavideotapewithoutatabtorecord thevideotapeis ejectedautomatically Inordertoavoidarecordedareatobererecorded atabshouldbe removed Torerecordarecorde...

Страница 70: ...minatedhead s itshowstheconditionstonoticethe contaminationonscreen Incaseofthenoticeonscreen pleaserubtheheadswithahead cleanerfollowedby Howtouseahead cleaner How to use a head cleaner Incaseofaoldorcontaminatedvideotape screenmaynotbecleanfromthecontaminationofplayerheads Please removecontaminantsusingahead cleanerlikebeloworder 1 Insertahead cleanerintoplayer 2 Press PLAY for5seconds andthenpr...

Страница 71: ...ULT SET pleasecheck AUDIO items DidyouturnonyourTVsets Didyouconnectthepartsinrightway Theplaymaybein PAUSE Adiscmayhavesomecontaminantsorbedamaged Adiscmaybebadone PleasechecktheconnectionwithDolbydigitalamplifier Pleasechecktheplugsareconnectedwithoneanothertightly Somecontaminantsmayberemainedinconnectionterminal Pleasecheckthedegreeoftheremotecontrol distanceorany interruption Batterymaybeweak...

Страница 72: ...multianglescenes Alsoausercanconfirmthesupportwiththe ANGLE markon screen Pleasecheckthedegreeoftheremotecontrol distanceorany interruption Pleasecheckabatteryintheremotecontrolwhetheritis exhaustedornot ADVDmaynotcontainmenuinformation TherecordermaynotcoincidewithyourTVsystem Pleasepress SYSTEM tomatchtoTVsystem Adiscmayhavesomecontaminantsorbedamaged DVD Video PAL 02 3 15 5 45 PM 71 ...

Страница 73: ...SelectTVbypressing TV VCR buttonontheremotecontrol Avideotapeisnotinputtedin Oninputtingavideotape thetape isre ejected Avideotapeisnotejected Inputandejection Pleasecheckwhetherapowerplugisinsertedinanelectricoutlet Pleasecheckwhetheravideotapeisin Pleasecheckwhetheravideotapeisinsertedinarightdirection a sideoftransparentwindowshouldbeontheupside Haveyouinputtedavideotapeagainjustafterthetapewas...

Страница 74: ...eorcurvedwhileinplaying Tofixtheproblem please horizontaladjustment Ascreenisnotclear Ascreenatpauseistremblingor slowscreenisnotclear Play Incasevideotapeistheonerecordedbyotherproductsorold one stripemayappearonthescreen Trytoadjustthescreenby TRACKING button Trytouseahead cleaner Trytouseahead cleaner Trytoadjustthescreenby TRACKING button Recording RecordingaTVprogramis impossible Forrecording...

Страница 75: ...Pleasecheckwhetherthetimerrecordinginfoisright Pleasecheckatabonatapewhetheritisbrokeornot Ifitwas broken pleasescotch tapeit Wasacabledataoutputcodeconnectedcorrectly Wereaconvertermanufacturersetupandoutputchannelright Didyouenterapassword Pleasecancelit Didyouturnoffyourplayer Pleaseturniton Youmaynotmemorizechannels Pleasecheckyourchannelsettingorpressanumberbutton Sometapesordiscsdistributedi...

Страница 76: ...ingcannotbe selected Others Areyouplayingatapethatisnotrecordedinthisrecorder Tryto recorditwiththerecorder Youmaystartrecordingitin REC PAUSE Pleasestartrecording itfromstopcondition Pleaseselect CABLE not NETWORK fromthe CHANNEL SETTING DVD Video PAL 02 3 15 5 45 PM 75 ...

Страница 77: ...kinds 8 8dBm VCR 2Vrms DVD RCAJACK AUDIOoutput DVDonly AnalogueAUDIOoutput 2 0Vrms Digitalaudiooutput OPTICAL COAXIAL Playabletape VeryhighdensetapeswithVHSmarks Playabledisc DVD VIDEO CD CD 12mm CD 8mm MP3 CD R CD RW Tapespeed SP 23 39mm s LP 11 70mm s Playtime SP 2hrs LP 6hrs useofE180tape Clockdisplay 24hrs TimeRecording 8programsayear Persistenceinpowerfailure 1min VIDEOS N VCR Over43dB Standa...

Страница 78: ...The others 77 Region Code TheproductandallDVDdischaveregioncodes Soifbothcodesarenotcoincidedeachother itdoesnotwork Legioncodesarelikethebelow DVD Video PAL 02 3 15 5 45 PM 77 ...
