D-Link DWL-7100AP User Manual
DHCP Server
Enable or disable the DHCP server function.
Click to enable Dynamic Pool Settings. Configure
the IP address pool in the fields below.
Click to enable Static Pool Settings. Use this function
to assign the same IP address to a device at every
restart. The IP addresses assigned in the Static
Pool list must NOT be in the same IP range as the
Dynamic Pool.
Enter the initial IP address to be assigned by the
DHCP server.
Enter the number of allocated IP addresses.
Enter the subnet mask.
Enter the gateway IP address, typically a router.
WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service) is a
system that determines the IP address of a network
computer with a dynamically assigned IP address,
if applicable.
All devices in the network must have the same subnet mask to communicate. Enter the submask for the network here.
DHCP Server:
Dynamic Pool
Static Pool
IP Assigned From:
Range of Pool (1~255):
Domain Name:
Lease Time :
Enter the domain name of the DWL-7100AP, if applicable. (An example of a domain name is: www.dlink.com.)
The Lease Time is the period of time before the DHCP server will assign new IP addresses.
Turn the
Dynamic Pool Settings ON