This chapter introduces the DFE-2600 series dual-speed stackable hubs, as
well as giving some background information about the technology the hubs
Product Description
The D-Link DFE-2600 series dual-speed stackable Ethernet/Fast Ethernet
hubs are designed to allow easy migration and integration between 10Mbps
Ethernet and 100Mbps Fast Ethernet, while providing manageability and
flexibility in cable connections.
The DFE-2600 hubs can operate with either IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T connec-
tions (twisted-pair Ethernet operating at 10 megabits per second), or IEEE
802.3u 100BASE-TX connections (twisted-pair Fast Ethernet operating at
100 megabits per second). All of the twisted-pair ports support NWay auto-
negotiation, allowing the hub to automatically detect the speed of a network
connection. This means you can connect all of your Ethernet and Fast Ether-
net hosts to a DFE-2600 series hub stack, without any rewiring required when
a host is upgraded from 10Mbps to 100Mbps.
The DFE-2600 series hubs, available in 16-port and 24-port models, can be
stacked with up to five hubs in a stack. A stack of five 24-port hubs gives a
total of 120 Ethernet or Fast Ethernet ports. A DFE-2600 series hub stack
operates as a Class II Fast Ethernet repeater, allowing it to be linked to
another Class II Fast Ethernet stack in the same collision domain.