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In this state, the Motion Controller is in operation except that the keypad is completely unresponsive and locked. In order
to unlock it, you must press the “Accept” and “Cancel” buttons located on the front panel of your Motion Controller
simultaneously and maintain them pressed for five seconds. This will unlock the keypad and resume its normal
3.2.4 LCD option
This option allows you to modify the intensity of the backlight and the contrast level of the Message Screen.
You will notice after adjusting the LCD Backlight to a lower intensity that the backlighting will become dim after 5 seconds
of inactivity.
Be careful when setting these levels since a low level will make the Message Screen extremely faint, which may make it
very difficult to operate your Motion Controller.
3.2.5 Motion Feedback option
This option enables a short vibration cue anytime motion is started in “F/X Auto”
mode and the “Sync Lock” Indicator turns
The Motion Controller will immediately begin motion playback in sequence with the images displayed for the movie you
are watching. The Motion Feedback is useful when the controller’s front panel is out of sight and the “Sync Lock” Indicator
cannot be seen. By default the Motion Feedback option is set at “Off”.
3.2.6 Remember Volume option
This option allows you to configure your Motion Controller so that it will start up with the last settings you used. Otherwise,
the default value will be use.
By default, the Remember Volume option is set at “Off”.
3.2.7 Motion Delay option
This option allows you to customize the timing in millisecond between the audio input and the motion playback. This can
be useful in order to obtain perfect synchronization with perceived sound in big home theatre rooms where the speed of
sound would have a considerable impact.
A positive value will delay by the specified number of milliseconds the motion playback relative to the audio signal
received in the controller. On the other hand, a negative value will put motion playback ahead of the audio signal input.
Sound travels at a speed of about 1 foot per millisecond. Every D-BOX Motion Code is factory delayed by 10 ms for an
average viewing distance of 10 feet. So if the actual viewing distance is 18 feet, the Motion Delay option could be
increased to an additional 8 ms for an optimal experience.
3.3 Configuration sub-menu
The “Configuration” sub-menu gives you access to settings that influence the inner working of your Motion Controller.
The “Configuration” sub-menu includes the following options:
“Set Date/Time”;
“Set Network”;
“Live Update”;
“Auto–Update Setup”;
“Reset Defaults”;
3.3.1 Enable Row option
This option allows you to manually enable or disable each row connected to your Motion Controller. The row designation
(Board 0 - Row A) corresponds to the
port on the back of the Motion Controller to where your Motion Seat (or
platform) is connected. By default all the rows are set to “Enable”.
3.3.2 Set Date/Time option
The “Set Date/Time” option allows you to set the time, date and time zone of your Motion Controller.
The time zone should be adjusted first and then your time and date.