MB95710M Series
MB95770M Series
Document Number: 002-09307 Rev. *D
Page 73 of 172
18.7.3 Port 9 registers
• Port 9 register functions
• Correspondence between registers and pins for port 9
18.7.4 Port 9 operations
• Operation as an output port
• A pin becomes an output port if the bit in the DDR9 register corresponding to that pin is set to “1”.
• When a pin is used as an output port, it outputs the value of the PDR9 register to external pins.
• If data is written to the PDR9 register, the value is stored in the output latch and is output to the pin set as an output
port as it is.
• Reading the PDR9 register returns the PDR9 register value.
• To use a pin shared with the LCDC as an output port, set the bit corresponding to that pin in the VE[4:0] bits in the
LCDC enable register 1 (LCDCE1) to “0” to select the general-purpose I/O port function.
• Operation as an input port
• A pin becomes an input port if the bit in the DDR9 register corresponding to that pin is set to “0”.
• If data is written to the PDR9 register, the value is stored in the output latch but is not output to the pin set as an
input port.
• Reading the PDR9 register returns the pin value. However, if the read-modify-write (RMW) type of instruction is
used to read the PDR9 register, the PDR9 register value is returned.
• To use a pin shared with the LCDC as an input port, set the bit corresponding to that pin in the VE[4:0] bits in the
LCDCE1 register to “0” to select the general-purpose I/O port function.
• Operation at reset
If the CPU is reset, all bits in the DDR9 register are initialized to “0” and port input is enabled.
• Operation in stop mode and watch mode
• If the pin state setting bit in the standby control register (STBC:SPL) is set to “1” and the device transits to stop
mode or watch mode, the pin is compulsorily made to enter the high impedance state regardless of the DDR9 reg-
ister value. The input of that pin is locked to “L” level and blocked in order to prevent leaks due to input open.
• If the pin state setting bit is “0”, the state of the port I/O or that of the peripheral function I/O remains unchanged
and the output level is maintained.
• Operation as an LCD drive power supply pin
• Set the bit in the DDR9 register corresponding to an LCD drive power supply pin to “0”.
• To use a pin shared with a general-purpose I/O port as an LCD drive power supply pin, set the bit corresponding
to that pin in the VE[4:0] bits in the LCDCE1 register to “1” to select the LCD drive power supply function.
Read by read-modify-write
(RMW) instruction
Pin state is “L” level.
PDR9 value is “0”.
As output port, outputs “L” level.
Pin state is “H” level.
PDR9 value is “1”.
As output port, outputs “H” level.
Port input enabled
Port output enabled
Correspondence between related register bits and pins
Pin name