F²MC-16FX Family, Emulating and Debugging with Softune and MB2198-01, Doc. No. 002-04828 Rev. *B
Similarly when it is selected as
Data not,
for all data access at
break address,
the content
from or
to,is not equal to that specified in
field, program execution will halt.
For example, if we set breakpoint as shown in above figure, program execution will halt every time when data
other than H’ 05 is read from or written to location H’002538.
Data mask
is selected, for each bit set in
data mask
field, that bit from
field is compared for the exact
match with the corresponding bit of Data which is to be read or written at the break address by the MCU i.e.
Program will stop executing due to hardware break point whenever following condition is met…
(Data read by MCU at Break Address Selected) & (Data Mask) = (Data) & (Data Mask)
For example, if we set
Data Br
eakpoint at address H’ 002538, which is the address of a char type variable and if
the attribute is set to read, comparison condition is set to Data agreement, data is set to H’000F and Data Mask
is set to H’FFF3.