PSoC® 4100S Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-14067 Rev. *C
marily a digital port that contains I/O pins for PWM, I2C, SPI, and analog reference. The J4 header is
also a digital port that contains I/O pins for UART and PWM. The J12 header is an Arduino ICSP-
compatible header for the SPI interface and is not populated. Most of the pins available on J2, J3,
and J4 headers have multiplexed functionalities such as CapSense sensors, user switch, or RGB
LEDs. See
Onboard Peripherals on page 51
for details about onboard peripheral connections to the
pins on these headers.
Pin P1[7] has a provision to connect a 1.0 µF capacitor (C87) as a bypass capacitor for PSoC
4100S SAR ADC. A three-pad 0-
resistor (R140 and R141) connects pin P1[7] to the bypass
capacitor or to the CapSense sensor. By default the pin P1[7] is connected to CapSense sensor. If
you intend to use SAR ADC, remove resistor R140 and populate resistor R141. Note that removing
R140 will disconnect Trackpad sensor COL0 from PSoC 4100S device.
Additional Functionality of Header J2
The J2 is a 8×2 header that supports Arduino shields. On the non-Arduino side of the header (even
pins – 2, 4, 6, and so on), some pins from port 0, port 1, port 3, and port 4 pins of PSoC 4100S are
brought for general-purpose use.
Functionality of Unpopulated Header J12
The J12 is a 3×2 header that supports Arduino shields. This header is used on a small subset of
shields and is not populated on the PSoC 4100S Pioneer Kit.
PSoC 5LP GPIO Header (J8)
The J8 is a 8×2 header provided on the kit to bring out several pins of the PSoC 5LP to support
advanced features such as a low-speed oscilloscope and a low-speed digital logic analyzer. This
header also contains the USB-UART bridge pins and USB-I2C bridge pins that can be used when
these pins are not accessible on the Arduino headers because a shield is connected. The additional
PSoC 5LP pins are direct connections to the internal programmable analog logic of PSoC 5LP. This
header also has GPIOs for custom application usage.
KitProg2 Custom Application Header (J11)
A 5×2 header is provided on the board to bring out more GPIOs of PSoC 5LP for custom applica-
tions. This header also brings out the PSoC 5LP programming pins and can be programmed using
and 5-pin programming connector.
USB Micro-B Connector
The PSoC 5LP connects to the USB port of a PC through a USB Micro-B connector, which can also
be used to power the PSoC 4100S Pioneer Kit. A resettable polyfuse is used to protect the com-
puter's USB port from shorts and overcurrent. If more than 500 mA is drawn from the USB Micro-B
connector, the fuse will automatically break the connection until the short or overload is removed.
CapSense Circuit
The CapSense sensors such as trackpad, buttons, and proximity sensors are on Flex PCB.
CapSense components such as 560-
series resistors on sensor lines, CMOD and CTANK capaci-
tors (essential for the CapSense with self-capacitance functionality), and CintA and CintB capacitors
(essential for CapSense with mutual-capacitance functionality) are on the main board. A 2.2-nF
capacitor is present on the CMOD pin, P4[1], for CapSense operation. This kit also supports
CapSense designs that enable waterproofing. On this kit, the hatch (shield pattern) can be con-
nected to the shield pin, P3[5] or to ground by a three-pad 0-
resistor (R75 and R76). By default,
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