- XM095-V1.1-NR
Color wheel 1Er
(Color wheel 1 error) This message will appear after the reset of the fixture and if the magnetic-indexing circuit
malfunctions (sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepping-motor is defective (or its driver circuit on the main
PCB). The color wheel 1 is not located in the default position after the reset.
Gobo wheel 1Er
(Gobo wheel error) This message will appear after the reset of the fixture and if the magnetic-indexing circuit
malfunctions (sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepping-motor is defective (or its driver circuit on the main
PCB). The rotation gobos is not located in the default position after the reset.
Gobo Rotation Er
(Gobo Rotation 1 error) This message will appear after the reset of the fixture and if the magnetic-indexing circuit
malfunctions (sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepping-motor is defective (or its driver circuit on the main
PCB). The gobo rotation 1 is not located in the default position after the reset.
Gobo wheel 2Er
(Color wheel 2 error) This message will appear after the reset of the fixture and if the magnetic-indexing circuit
malfunctions (sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepping-motor is defective (or its driver circuit on the main
PCB). The Fixed gobos is not located in the default position after the reset.
Color wheel 2 Er
(Color wheel 2 error) This message will appear after the reset of the fixture and if the magnetic-indexing circuit
malfunctions (sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepping-motor is defective (or its driver circuit on the main
PCB). The color wheel 2 is not located in the default position after the reset.
Prism Er
(Prism error) This message will appear after the reset of the fixture and if the magnetic-indexing circuit
malfunctions (sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepping-motor is defective (or its driver circuit on the main
PCB). The Prism is not located in the default position after the reset.
Focus Er
(Focus error) This message will appear after the reset of the fixture and if the magnetic-indexing circuit
malfunctions (sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepping-motor is defective (or its driver circuit on the main
PCB). The Focus is not located in the default position after the reset.
Iris Er
(Iris error) This message will appear after the reset of the fixture and if the magnetic-indexing circuit malfunctions
(sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepping-motor is defective (or its driver circuit on the main PCB). The Iris
is not located in the default position after the reset.
The following points have to be considered during the inspection:
1) All screws for installing the devices or parts of the device have to be tightly connected and must
not be corroded.
2) There must not be any deformations on the housing, color lenses, fixations and installation spots
(ceiling, suspension, trussing).
3) Mechanically moved parts must not show any traces of wearing and must not rotate with
4) The electric power supply cables must not show any damage, material fatigue or sediments.
Further instructions depending on the installation spot and usage have to be adhered by a skilled
installer and any safety problems have to be removed.