Chapter 7 - The E1 and T1 Interfaces, Without Signaling
The controller parameters are explained in the table that follows.
Controller Menu CONFIG=>CONTROLLER=>T1/E1
Frame Mode
T1: ESF (Extended Super Frame, the most common) and D4 are the options.
E1: CRC4 (the most common) and Non-CRC4 are the options.
Line Code
T1: B8ZS (Bipolar 8 Zero Substitution, the most common) and AMI (Alternate Mark
Inversion). E1: HDB3 (High-Density Bipolar) and AMI.
Signaling Mode
Only appears for the PR4000. None for channelized lines without signaling,
otherwise, see chapter 8.
Clock Mode
Selects the clock mode:
Master or Slave.
Line Build Out
Applies only to T1. Sets the attenuation on the TX line. The T1 service provider
should supply this parameter.
Receiver Sensitivity
Short haul is usually used. Long haul is necessary if attenuation prevents reception of
data, usually when the router is installed more than 2000 feet from the cable
For the CCS Signaling Mode (ISDN-PRI) and the CAS Signaling Mode, read chapter 8 INSTEAD of
this chapter.
The T1/E1 interface can be broken up into channels, defined by timeslots. Each timeslot is a slice of time allotted
to throughput from a particular source. The configuration can be done in three ways:
1 Full T1/E1: Only one channel group is defined and no others are allowed. All timeslots are allocated
automatically to this channel.
2 Fractional T1/E1: Only one channel group is defined. One or more timeslots are allocated to this channel.
The number of timeslots can be increased at a later time.
3 Channelized T1/E1: Many channels are defined, with one or more timeslots allocated to each channel.