Copyright © 2012 CyberPower Systems, Inc.
To minimize copper losses, ensure that wire lengths between the
PV array and the On-grid Solar Power Generating System and
between the On-grid Solar Power Generating System and the
Main Utility Service Panel are kept to a minimum.
The maximum distances will depend on wire gauges and PV array
output voltages
Debris free
Excessive debris (such as dust, leaves, and cobwebs) can
accumulate on the unit, interfering with wiring connections and
ventilation. Do not install in a location where debris can
accumulate (under a tree, for example).
PV Array Requirement
WARNING! Shock hazard
Whenever a PV array is exposed to sunlight, a shock hazard exists
at the output wires or exposed terminals. To reduce the risk of
shock during installation, cover the array with an opaque (dark)
material before making any connections.
The PV array should be free of shade. This requirement includes
even small obstructions such as vent pipes, chimneys and power
lines. A small amount of shade can have a disproportionately high
impact on system performance.
General Recommendations
It is important that the PV array is installed correctly to the
manufacturer specifications and to local code requirement.
Equipment and Installation Recommendation
Equipment recommendations
All electric equipment should be listed for the voltage and
current ratings necessary for the application.
All wiring should be sized correctly to minimize voltage
All required over-current protections should be include the
system and accessible for maintenance.
Integral roofing products should be properly rated.
Installation recommendations
All electrical terminations should be fully tightened, secured,
and strain relieved as appropriate.
All mounting equipment should be installed according to the
manufacturer specifications.
All roof penetrations should be sealed with an acceptable
sealing method that does not adversely impact the roof
All wires, conduit, exposed conductors and electrical boxes
should be secured and supported according to code
PV Voltage and MPPT Requirement
MPPT operational window
The MPPT software maximizes the output energy of solar arrays
as long as the operating voltage is within the operational window.
Ensure that the PV array used in the system operates within the
MPPT operational window. Effects of array voltages outside of the
MPPT operational window are shown in below Table.
Vo lt a ge
(Vd c )
Ef fe c t o f Ar ray Vo l ta ge
O n - g r i d S o l a r
Po we r
G e n e rat i n g
Sy ste m M o d e
Will shut down
Maximum harvest of solar energy.
(limit input max current 12A)
MPPT window
Maximum harvest of solar energy.
MPPT window
Maximum harvest of solar energy.
(limit input max current 15A)
MPPT window
Maximum harvest of solar energy.
MPPT window
Maximum harvest of solar energy.
(limit input max current 15A)
MPPT window
Maximum harvest of solar energy.
MPPT window
Maximum harvest of solar energy.
(limit input max power)
MPPT window
Will shut down and may cause
damage to the On-grid Solar Power
Generating System.
PV Voltage requirements
The maximum power point voltage of a string connect to the
On-grid Solar Power Generating System should be a minimum of
250Vdc for CPSPV3600ETL model. If it is less than 250Vdc for
CPSPV3600ETL model, the On-grid Solar Power Generating
System will continue to operate, but it will regulate the PV
voltage to 250Vdc for CPSPV3600ETL model. Because the array