CustomControls, LLC
Battery Installation:
The ValveSentry Device will operate with the batteries installed. THEREFORE
INSTALL BATTERIES AS YOUR LAST STEP of the installation procedure
Open the battery door by unscrewing the small screw on the side of the controller. Being careful not
to break any wires, install
seven AAA
batteries in the open battery compartments.
You will see that one battery
compartment is occupied by a shorting bar or wire. Do not remove the shorting bar or wire and do not attempt
to install a battery in that spot. If you install 8 AAA batteries you will damage the controller.
: The ValveSentry™ device is powerful.
It has considerable torque allowing it to open and shut your valve. THEREFORE ALWAYS KEEP
YOUR HANDS AND FINGERS AWAY FROM THE DEVICE while it is powered. If your hand or finger gets caught on a valve or is between the valve
and a pipe, wall or other object while a valve is opening or closing, it could cause injury. That is why you should always unplug and remove the
batteries from the unit prior to installing, adjusting or touching it. Remember that you can always immediately shut down the unit by pressing the
“stop” button on the controller.
Test the ValveSentry™ device and the valve it is attached to at least twice a year. As a simple way to remember this, we recommend that
you test it when Daylight Savings time started in March and again when it ends in November.
If the ValveSentry™ device ever fails to test correctly after taking the actions recommended in “Trouble Shooting” below, have it replaced
immediately! If the ValveSentry™ device is not working properly; it cannot react to a water emergency. Similarly, if your valve does not
turn on or off, it must be serviced in order for the ValveSentry™ device to operate.