RS-10 P1 and P2 Continuous Controller Ports
The RS-10 contains two ports for expression pedal input. These can be used to alter parameters (via MIDI) in effects
devices that offer this capability. Separate MIDI channel and controller numbers may be programmed for each port.
These settings are Global (the same for all banks/presets). Any passive volume or expression pedal can be used.The
resistance value is not critical. WARNING!!! Any pedal That is active (requiring a battery) will NOT work and may damage
the RS-10. Recommended pedals are Roland FV300L, FV300H, FV100 and the FV200. The cable required is a
stereo (TRS) to two mono 1/4” phone plugs. Connect the tip (stereo plug) to the pedal input, ring to the pedal output
and sleeve to ground on all 3 plugs. See chart below.
Stereo 1/4” plug
Mono 1/4” plugs
RS-10 P1 or P2
Pedal in = out
Tip (pedal in)
Tip (pedal out)
Sleeve (both in and out)
RS-10 Expander
The RS-10 Expander module is an economical way of increasing the size and capabilities of your existing RS-10. It
provides 6 additional direct access controller switches (SW10-SW15) as well as 2 additional presets per bank. Only
RS-10’s with EX software are able to utilize the expander module. All RS-10’s can be upgraded to the EX software.
Consult the factory for details. Due to limitations in RS-10 memory, when using the Expander, 22 banks of 6 presets
are available (standard RS-10’s are 32 banks of 4 presets).
When the RS-10 Expander is connected, the computer automatically increases the function list to accommodate the
additional direct access controller switches and presets. You can program them as you would a standard RS-10. If
the Expander is disconnected, the RS-10 will return a standard operation. Factory default settings are as follows:
MIDI channel 15
Controller #19
MIDI channel 15
Controller #20
MIDI channel 15
Controller #21
MIDI channel 15
Controller #22
MIDI channel 15
Controller #23
MIDI channel 15
Controller #24
Connect the Expander to the RS-10 with the supplied 7 pin cable.
The Expander was designed to be placed on the right side of the RS-10, directly against it. However, it can be placed
no more than 2 feet to either side of necessary. Contact factory if a longer cable is necessary.
Master/Slave Operation
1. A Master/Slave system consists of one master RS-10 and as many as 15 slave RS-10’s.
2. Only 1 master can be used in a multiple footswitch system.
3. The master RS-10 is selected via PROGRAM MODE.
4. Enter PROGRAM MODE and scroll through functions using the FUNCTION SELECT (PS-1) switch until display
reads 1. This indicates normal single footswitch operation.
5. Press Program (PS-4) to alternate display between 1 (normal) operation and 2 (master) multiple footswitch mode.
6. All other RS-10’s connected (via MIDI, in series [see diagram] will automatically become slaves and track the
operation of the master RS-10 (including P1 and P2 continuous controller ports).
7. Slave RS-10’s cannot enter PROGRAM MODE and will ignore attempts to do so. Only the master can enter
8. Master RS-10 is indicated upon power up by first showing 2 in the display.
While it is theoretically possible to connect 15 RS-10’s to one master RS-10, the practical limit is 5 slaves and 1
master with the supplied 9VAC power supply. The length of the cable is also a factor in reliable master/slave
operation. 5 slaves will work reliably with the standard length cable (25 feet). If more slave units are required, contact
Custom Audio Electronics to obtain a higher voltage power supply and custom length cables.