Storing Preset Combinations in Memory
To store a preset combination of the controller switches (SW0-SW9) (LED off = MIDI controller value 0, LED on = MIDI
controller value 127), simply select the bank (1 through 32) using the UP and/or DOWN switches. The display will
flash indicating you have yet to select a preset (1 through 4). At this time you are still in the bank/preset you were in
before you started. Now select the preset you want (PS-1 to PS-4). The display will indicate the MIDI program change
command sent and the respective preset LED will light. Now select the combination of controller switches (SW0 -
SW9) you want for that preset. The LED will light, and the respective preset LED will flash indicating an edited preset.
Press the preset switch with the flashing LED.The LED will stop flashing and the preset will be stored in memory.
The Global Preset
The RS-10 (with EX software) contains a unique feature called the Global Preset. It is a preset with all the capabilities
of preset 1 through 4 (including MIDI patch changes) but is the same for all banks. To access the Global Preset, just
press again any active preset switch 1 through 4. You can tell you are in the Global Preset when NO preset LED’s
are lit. Once you are in the Global Preset, just select any combination of the 10 direct access controller switches (SW0 -
SW9). The combination is automatically stored (See programming MIDI patch change commands in this manual for info
on setting Global Patch changes). To exit the Global Preset, select any preset switch.
To summarize storing a preset combination:
1. Select the bank.
2. Select the preset.
3. Select the combination of controller switches (SW0 - SW9).
4. Press the preset switch again (flashing LED).
5. The respective preset switch LED stops flashing and the combination is stored in memory.
* Remember, you have direct access to any controller switch (SW0 - SW9) at any time within a preset (You can add or
delete from that preset).
* To update the preset, simply press the respective (flashing LED) preset switch.
The Program Mode
The RS-10 can be used quite effectively right out of the box with its factory default settings. However, extensive
editing, as well as other utility functions can be accessed via the PROGRAM MODE. To enter the PROGRAM MODE,
you must be in Bank 1. Once you are in Bank 1, press down the DOWN switch then the UP switch at the same time.
Display reads PC1. Press the FUNCTION SELECT switch (PS-1) repeatedly or hold switch down to scroll through
utility functions. Below is a list of functions in the order that they appear.
Function Select Order List - Program Mode
Display reads:
Sets MIDI channel and patch changes for group 1
Sets MIDI channel and patch changes for group 2
Sets MIDI channel and patch changes for group 3
Sets MIDI channel and patch changes for group 4
Sets MIDI channel and patch changes for group 5
Sets MIDI channel and controller number for continuous control port P1
Sets MIDI channel and controller number for continuous control port P1
Sets MIDI channel and controller number for SW 0
Sets MIDI channel and controller number for SW 1
Sets MIDI channel and controller number for SW 2
Sets MIDI channel and controller number for SW 3
Sets MIDI channel and controller number for SW 4
Sets MIDI channel and controller number for SW 5
Sets MIDI channel and controller number for SW 6
Sets MIDI channel and controller number for SW 7
Sets MIDI channel and controller number for SW 8
Sets MIDI channel and controller number for SW 9