Page G-14
Repair and Service Manual
Read all of Section B and this section before attempting any procedure. Pay particular attention to Notices, Cautions, Warnings and Dangers.
Tool List
Phillips screwdriver...................................................... 1
Wrench, 7/16" .............................................................. 1
Nut driver, 7/16" ........................................................... 1
Drill bit, 7/32" ............................................................... 1
DVOM.......................................................................... 1
Raise the rear wheels of the vehicle and support the
vehicle on jack stands (Refer to Lifting Procedure in
Section ‘B’). Test the vehicle stability before proceeding.
Remove the driver side rocker panel insert and pull the
floormat forward to expose the metal cover to the pedal
box. Remove the cover and remove the four screws
securing the plastic cover to the pedal box, remove the
cover (Ref Fig. 15).
Fig. 14 ITS and Plunger
With the DVOM set to volts, probe the white wire at the
ITS with the positive probe and attach the negative
probe to the B- at battery. Sit on seat, set FNR to N turn
key on, select F, depress accelerator. The meter should
read 1.0V ± 0.3V when the solenoid clicks and 2.7V ±
0.5 volts at full pedal (Ref Fig. 17). If the reading is out of
the ITS sensor must be replaced.
The ‘ITS’ attaches to the plastic pedal box using two plas-
tic studs and two speed nuts. Use care not to overtighten
the nuts which could strip the plastic studs while tighten-
ing the nuts enough to prevent movement of the ‘ITS’.
Carefully remove the two wires that attach to the ITS
and carefully remove the nuts securing the ITS to the
plastic pedal box studs.
Install a new ITS being careful to align the ITS and not to
overtighten the retaining nuts. Attach the wiring.
With the accelerator pedal in the full up position, insert a
7/32" drill bit between the plunger and the face of the
ITS. The drill bit should be used to verify and adjust the
distance between the face of the ITS and the face of the
plunger (Ref Fig. 16).
If the plunger needs adjust-
, loosen the lock nut at the accelerator yoke and
rotate the plunger until the desired dimension is
achieved. Firmly tighten the jam nut.
Replace the plastic cover and press it firmly into place
before tightening the cover screws.
Replace the metal cover, floormat and rocker panel
Micro Switch
Micro Switch
Adjusting Cam
Lock Nut