Six-Meter Element Set-up
17/12-M DE
Insulator Plate
End Cap
End Cap
Insert 5"
Insert 5"
Insert 4"
Important Note: Prior to installing the MA6B on a mast, check all hardware and
worm clamps to confirm everything is properly aligned and tight. Also, check trap
orientation -- drain holes must face the ground when the antenna is flipped over
and installed on the mast.
[ ] Waterproof Coax Connection:
If using the supplied weather boot, slip it onto the
coax before installing the PL-259 connector. After the connector is installed and attached
to MN6B, apply a thick layer of gel over the PL-259 barrel and slide the boot over it.
Never apply gel inside the coax connector or on the feedpoint connections!
If your cable
has pre-installed connectors, it may not be practical to install the boot. In that event,
wrap the connector with self-adhering rubber tape, Coax Seal®, or Performix liquid tape
to prevent water incursion. Route the coax down the boom to within a few inches of the
mast and secure it in place with tie-wraps or electrical tape.
[ ] Center of Gravity:
Lift the boom with one hand at the boom-to-mast mounting plate
to confirm the plate is installed at the antenna’s balance point. If off by more than a
couple inches, loosen the boom U-bolts and move the plate to the balance point to
ensure minimal strain on the rotor and mast. When retightening the U-bolts, make sure
the mast-to-boom plate is oriented 90-degrees to the elements.
[ ] 20-Meter Tuning:
The 20-meter driven-element and reflector may be tuned for
minimum SWR in different band segments. To adjust, loosen the EC tubes and position
as shown below:
EC Tube
14.025 9" 9"
14.175 8" 8"
14.300 7" 7"
Settings may vary, depending on antenna height and its proximity to other objects.