DuraCOR 310
Chapter 4 Linux BSP
Page 26 of 51
MNL-0666-01 Rev A3
Effective: 26 Apr 18
setenv serverip
setenv ipaddr
setenv fdtfile dtb3
setenv uimage uImage
tftp 11000000 ${fdtfile};
tftp 0x10800000 ${uimage};
bootm 0x10800000 11000000
9. After board booted up, login as user root. No password is needed.
Partition the Internal Storage
The partitioning of the internal MMC is achieved by running the command “/configure_emmc.sh”. This
command wipes out the internal MMC and creates new partitions, and mounts those partitions.
Installing the RootFS
1. Mount your NFS share to /var/volatile/tftpboot:
mount -t nfs <host ip>:<nfs_root> /var/volatile/tftpboot
2. Extract the rootfs images into both root directories
a. tar -xf /var/volatile/tftpboot/smarc-image/core-image-sato-smarc-samx6i.tar.bz2 -C
b. tar -xf /var/volatile/tftpboot/smarc-image/core-image-sato-smarc-samx6i.tar.bz2 -C
3. Install the flattened device tree file:
a. cp /var/volatile/tftpboot/smarc-image/uImage-imx6q-smx6-lcd-pcieswitch.dtb
b. cp /var/volatile/tftpboot/smarc-image/uImage-imx6q-smx6-lcd-pcieswitch.dtb
4. Unmount the eMMC partitions:
a. umount /dev/mmcblk0p1
b. umount /dev/mmcblk0p2
5. Clear out the boot environment:
a. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mtd1
Configure the bootloader
6. Reboot, and stop in the bootloader. Run the following:
a. setenv fdtfile /boot/dbh.dtb
b. setenv uimage /boot/uImage
c. setenv mmcdev 2
d. setenv mmcroot /dev/mmcblk0p1 rw
e. saveenv