The programmer’s Faults menu (1311 programmer) / Diagnostics menu
(1313 programmer) displays the faults that are currently set, by name. The
programmer’s Monitor menu displays various readouts that can be helpful
during diagnostics; see Section 4.
For example, in the event of an undervoltage cutback fault, the words
Undervoltage Cutback
will be displayed in the Faults/Diagnostics menu. The re-
al-time battery voltage is displayed in the Monitor menu (“Battery Voltage”).
The programmer also can display a history of all the faults that have been
set since the history log was last cleared.
The detection of a fault causes the controller to operate in a manner that is
safe in the presence of that fault. Depending on the severity of the fault, the
response can range from reducing current to complete shutdown.
The troubleshooting chart, Table 5, provides the following information
on all the controller faults:
• fault code
• fault name as displayed on the programmer’s LCD
• the effect of the fault
• fault clear conditions
• possible causes of the fault.
Some faults can be self-cleared; for example, an undervoltage fault will clear
when the battery voltage returns to an acceptable level. Whenever a fault is
encountered and no wiring or vehicle fault can be found, shut off KSI and turn
it back on to see if the fault clears. If not, shut off KSI and remove the J-1, J-2,
J-3, and J-5 connectors. Check the connectors for corrosion or damage, clean
them if necessary, and re-insert them.
Curtis 1204M/1205M/1209M/1221M Manual