2 | JetSort
1606 interface with JetScan or JetCount | Introduction
The JetSort® model 1606 can be interfaced with a JetScan® Single-Pocket and Dual-Pocket
currency scanner or a JetCount® currency counter. The JetSort acts as the host to the JetScan or
JetCount and can display and print machine totals, depending on how these functions are
programmed through setup.
This document explains the interface between the JetSort and the JetScan and JetCount as well as
basic functions when these machines operate together. For complete information about JetSort,
JetScan or JetCount operations, see the following documents.
Machine Type and Model
Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions
Part Number
JetSort , Model 1606
JetSort 1000 Series Coin Sorter
JetScan Single-Pocket Models 4062
and higher
JetScan Single Pocket Currency Scanner
JetScan Two-Pocket Models
JetScan Two-Pocket Currency Scanner
JetCount Models 4020 and higher
JetCount Currency Counter
JetSort (center) interfaced with a
JetScan (left) and printer