5.3. Installation Setup
The following section shows how to cus-
tomize the controller for your particular
application. Normally, this setup needs to be
done only once.
Worksheets are available at the end of
this manual (chapter 12) to write down
your parameter settings.
1. From the main menu, select:
» 7. Installation*
» 1. Settings
*This menu is only accessible from the installer
mode (see sec. 5.2).
7.1 Settings
Nb of Rooms
Nb of bins:
Nb of augers:
Nb of FeedLine:
Nb of Clock:
Fill Pro.
500 kg
Schedule Type: Week
Clock Type:
Clock Schedule
Time Display: AM/PM
2. Set the following parameters:
Number of Rooms —
Enable the proper num-
ber of rooms (1 or 2 rooms).
Number of Bins —
Enable the desired number
of bins (1 or 2 bins).
Number of Augers —
Enable the desired
number of bin augers (1 to 4 augers).
Number of Feed Lines —
Enable the prop-
er number of feed lines (0 to 6 feed lines).
Number of Clock —
The controller has
16 time clocks that are used to activate feed
lines and augers. Note that some feed lines
and/or auger motors must share common tim-
ers. Enable the proper number of time clocks
(from 1 to 16 time clocks).
Filling Protection —
In order to log the amount
of feed delivered, the controller needs to de-
tect a significant increase in the bin weight
on a short period of time and the total amount
feed delivered must exceed the "Fill protec-
tion" parameter value. Set the minimum
amount of feed that is likely to be delivered in
a bin to the desired value. This weight should
be higher than the weight of a person who
would climb on the bin for instance.
Schedule Type —
The controller can dis-
tribute feed according to a weekly schedule
(based on 7 days) or it can use a more flexible
type of schedule, called the "Skip" schedule:
the weekly schedule allows skipping specific
feeding days (e.g.: skip all Mondays) whereas
the flexible schedule allows skipping feeding
days at regular intervals, without considering
the day of the week (e.g.: skip a feeding day
every 3 days).
Clock Schedule —
This option allows bin
augers and feed line to use different time
clocks during the week rather than using the
same time clock all the time. Select "Yes" to
enable this option or "No" to disable it. *
parameter is accessible if the clock schedule is set
to "Week" above.
Clock Type —
A time clock can either stop
after a specific run time (start/run) or at a pre-
cise time of the day (start/stop). Choose the
desired method used to stop time clocks.
Time Display —
Select the desired time for-
mat: AM/PM or 24-hour.
Units —
Select the desired weight measure-
ment units: kg or lbs.
The memory card is used to create a backup
copy of your controller’s configuration. The
card is also useful to transfer the configura-
tion of one controller to another controller of
the same type.
The switch at the bottom of the card is used
to lock or to unlock the card ( = locked,
= unlocked).
Turn off power each time you open the
controller’s enclosure. This prevents
accidental exposure to areas of high
Memory Card
Card Switch
To Transfer a Configuration:
1. Turn off power to the controller.
2. Open the latch and lift the controller’s
3. If you are about to copy the controller’s
configuration on the memory card, make sure
the card’s switch is at the unlocked position.
4. Insert the card in the J9 connector located
on the electronic board inside the controller.
Components of the memory card must face
down as illustrated.
5. Close the cover then reapply power to
the controller. The transfer menu should be
shown on screen (if this is not the case, si-
multaneously press the up- and down-arrow
keys for 3 seconds to display this menu).
6. Use the up- and down-arrow keys to se-
lect the proper type of transfer:
Memory Card To Controller:
To transfer the memory card’s content into
the controller, select the
“Mem.Card –> Ctrl”
When it is selected, simultaneously press the
+and - buttons to start the transfer.
Mem.Card –> Ctrl
+/- to start
Controller To Memory Card:
To save the controller’s configuration into the
memory card, select the
“Ctrl –> Mem. Card”
menu. Once it is selected, simultaneously
press + and - buttons to start the transfer.
Ctrl –> Mem.Card
+/- to start
7. When the transfer is over, simultaneously
press and hold the up- and down-arrow keys
for 5 seconds to exit the transfer menu, then
remove the memory card from the connector
as follows:
Turn off power to the controller;
Open the controller’s cover;
Remove the card from the connector;
Close the cover then reapply power to
the controller.
8. Lock the card’s switch if required.
Remove the memory card from the
connector when the transfer is over!