To chop meat, poultry, fi sh and seafood:
The food should be very cold, but not frozen.
Cut it into 1-inch (2.5 cm) pieces to ensure
an even chop. Using the ON button, process
no more than the recommended amount at
one time (see table inside front cover). Press
the PULSE button 3 or 4 times at a rate of
1 second on, 1 second off. If the food is not
chopped fi ne enough, let the processor run
continuously for a few seconds. Check the
texture often to avoid overprocessing. Use a
spatula to scrape food from the sides of the
bowl as necessary.
To purée meat, poultry, fi sh and seafood:
Prepare the food as described above. Press
the PULSE button until evenly chopped, then
process continuously to the desired texture.
Scrape the bowl with a spatula as needed.
Leave the purée in the work bowl and add
eggs, cream and seasonings as called for by
the recipe. Process to combine thoroughly.
Remember, you control texture by the length
of time you process. By varying the process-
ing time, you can get a range of textures suit-
able for hamburgers, hash, stuffed peppers,
or smooth mousses.
To chop nuts:
Chop no more than the recommended
amount at one time. Press and release the
PULSE button and check frequently to avoid
nuts clumping together in a nut butter. When
a recipe calls for fl our or sugar, add some to
the nuts before you chop, about 1/2 cup (125
ml) for each cup of nuts. This allows you to
chop the nuts as fi ne as you want without
turning them into a nut butter. You can also
chop nuts with a shredding or slicing disc.
The optional Fine Shredding Disc is particu-
larly good.
To make peanut butter and other
nut butters:
Process up to the recommended amount of
nuts. Using the ON button, let the machine
run continuously
After 1-1/2 to 2 minutes, the ground nuts will
form a ball that will gradually smooth out.
Scrape the sides of the bowl and continue
processing until drops of oil are visible.
Taste for consistency. The longer you pro-
cess, the softer the butter. For chunk style,
add a handful of nuts just after the ball of nut
butter begins to smooth out. To make ca-
shew butter, add a little bland vegetable oil.
Processor nut butters contain no preserva-
To make fl avoured butters, spreads and
Cut room temperature butter into tablespoon
size pieces. Finely chop fl avouring ingredi-
ents fi rst, such as anchovies, cheese, herbs,
etc. Be sure work bowl is clean and dry. Add
small hard ingredients like garlic and hard
cheese through the feed tube while machine
is running. Next, add the butter and process
using the ON button, until smooth. Add any
liquid ingredients last, while the processor
is running, and process just long enough to
blend. Process ingredients for spreads and
dips the same way. They should be at room
temperature and cut into 1-inch (2.5 cm)
cubes, or added by tablespoonfuls.
To make mayonnaise:
You can make foolproof homemade mayon-
naise with your Premier Series 7-cup Food
Processor. The work bowl and metal blade
must be clean and dry.
Foods prepared with raw eggs may con-
tain salmonella or other potentially harm-
ful bacteria. Because egg yolks are a fi ne
growth medium for bacteria, we recommend
that you cook them for use in mayonnaise,
Hollandaise sauce, Caesar salad dressing,
chilled souffl és, chilled chiffons, mousses
and other recipes calling for raw egg yolks.
For mayonnaise, we recommend using either
the “cooked egg” mayonnaise on page 25, or
using the following method with pasteurized
liquid eggs.
For a “one egg” batch of basic mayonnaise
made with pasteurized liquid eggs, place 1/4
cup (50 ml) pasteurized liquid eggs, 2 table-
spoons (30 ml) wine vinegar or lemon juice, 1
teaspoon (5 ml) dry mustard, 1/2 teaspoon (2
ml) kosher salt and a pinch of ground white
pepper in the work bowl. With the machine
running, add 1/2 cup (125 ml) of vegetable oil
to the small pusher and allow to slowly drip
into the mixture while processing. After all
the oil has dripped through, add another 1/2
cup of vegetable oil to the small pusher and
allow to drip through. The mixture will form a
thick emulsion. For variation, you may experi-
ment with using fl avoured vinegars, adding
chopped fresh herbs, dry herbs, or roasted
garlic to taste. To make your mayonnaise a
little lighter, add some well-drained plain fat
free yogurt to taste.