XLR test
Connect your XLR (or jack to XLR) cable between input and output. All three XLR pins
are shown. A good connection will have a tick next to it, a bad connection a cross.
A live/neutral crossed connection will show a circle with a line through it (phase
Auto Off
May be set from Off to 127 minutes. When the unit is not used (no
buttons pressed) for the set time the unit will automatically go into a very low power
mode (effectively off). To switch back on select the power switch to off then on
Set to meter input or output of the four wire box.
Set to meter input or output of the tone loop.
Set for PPM or VU style levels and ballistics.
The Testa may be updated using its micro USB port. New software and firmware will
be available on the support page of ctpsystems.co.uk/support when available.
Testa firmware is the intellectual property and copyright of CTP Systems in
the UK ©2021