10 October 2016
– To insure a stable environment prior to executing an OTAP evolution the SkyRouter verifies that during the
previous two minute sample period the RSSI is greater than (smaller negative number) -99dBm, the SID has not changed,
and the unit has access to 1xRTT connectivity. 1xRTT is required for OTAP operations.
4.1 AT Commands
Selecting the AT Commands menu option presents a screen as shown below. AT commands are entered in the command
field and after submission the commands status string will be displayed in the response area.
Figure 4
4.2 OTAP/OMA Activation
Selecting the OTA Activation option presents the following screen. Please see notes above about the WAN interface and
network stability. Once the Activation function is selected a status button is available to follow the progress of the
activation based on responses from the wireless network.
– For Verizon Wireless an up-to-date PRL is downloaded for each activation. The activation can be performed
whenever a new PRL is available. For Sprint only an additional function is provided to load the latest PRL.