G.shdsl Router User Manual
To configure SNTP v4 time synchronization, follow the below procedures.
move the cursor to method and press enter.
Command: admin sntp method <SNTPv4|SyncWithPC>
Message: Please input the following information.
SYNC method (Enter for default) <SyncWithPC> :
Move the cursor to service and press enter.
Command: admin sntp service <Disable|Enable>
Message: Please input the following information.
Active SNTP v4.0 service (Tab Select) <Enable> :
Move the cursor to time_server1 and press enter.
Command: admin sntp time_server1 <string>
Message: Please input the following information.
Time server address(Enter for default) <ntp-2.vt.edu> :
You can configure three time server in this system.
Move the cursor to update_rate and press enter.
Command: admin sntp update_rate <10~268435455>
Message: Please input the following information.
Update period (secs) (Enter for default) :
Move the cursor to time_zone and configure where your router is placed. The easiest way to know
the time zone offset hour is from your PC clock. Double click the clock at the right corner of monitor
and check the time zone.
Command: admin sntp time_zone <-12~12>
Message: Please input the following information.
GTM time zone offset (hours) (Enter for default) :
Move the cursor to list and review the setting.