Chapter 4: Troubleshooting the PA PowerStation
Resolving Problems
PA PowerStation User Guide
The startup halts with the Award (System Info) screen displayed
1. Check for a loose CF card.
Restart the PA PowerStation.
The AUTOEXEC.BAT file and/or CONFIG.SYS file does not
execute properly
Some startup problems are caused by a corrupted or modified
AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS file. CTC includes backup
copies of these files in the \CTC directory on your PowerStation’s
CompactFlash Disk and on the PowerStation Start Disk. These files
For a complete listing of the AUTOEXEC.BAT and the
CONFIG.SYS files, see Appendix A.
If you suspect a problem with either the PA PowerStation’s
AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS files, use the ROM-DOS Copy
command to create a backup copy of your current file and overwrite
the suspect file with the appropriate backup file. For example, if the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file becomes suspect, type the following
commands at the ROM-DOS prompt:
copy autoexec.bat autoexec.old
copy \ctc\autoexec.ctc autoexec.bat
1. Press Exit on the MachineShop Shell menu.
2. Run ROM-DOS Edit by typing NED and then the file name that
you want to edit.
You cannot load the touchscreen driver and a serial mouse
driver such as MOUSE.COM simultaneously. The PA
PowerStation will only load the driver that is specified first in
the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
Resolving Problems
with the
This section describes the problems that may occur with the
touchscreen and the subsequent solutions to these problems.
After startup, the touchscreen doesn’t work properly, the
calibration is incorrect, or the touchscreen makes a chirping noise
1. If the PA PowerStation is operating correctly otherwise, restart the