www.concretehireandsales.com 01477 500066 or 07720 711312 [email protected]
Models: MLGFM2000-2400
Out of hours call Ruth on:
07720 711312
We thank you for choosing a CSS Ltd Laser Grader product.
The reliability, efficiency and safe working of this product depends on your care. So it is important to read this instruction book before
use. All Laser Grader equipment has been designed with careful attention directed to operator’s safety, therefore it is vital that all safety
precautions are carried out when working and maintaining the machinery.
There are warning details placed on specific machines which should at all times be complied with, also listed overleaf, are general
safety notes which should always be followed. Additional operator training can be supplied by CSS Ltd on all machines, please contact
the office for further details.
Please find enclosed registration and guarantee card for your attention. Please complete the necessary details
required, and post the ‘’tear off’’ section back to CSS Ltd within 14 days of purchase for our records, thank you.