www.concretehireandsales.com 01477 500066 or 07720 711312 [email protected]
01477 500066
(1) CSS Ltd guarantees all equipment supplied by them against any defect in manufacture and assembly. This guarantee is for a period
of one year. The period of guarantee commences on the date of delivery to the customer.
(2) This guarantee is restricted to the first purchaser and is not transferable.
(3) The CSS Ltd guarantee may be invalidated where the following has been found to apply:-
a) The machinery has been used to perform tasks which require more than the design and strength limitations of the product.
b) The machinery has undergone modifications not approved by CSS Ltd
c) Conditions of usage can be determined to be abnormal
d) Normal maintenance, in accordance with the requirements as set out and detailed by CSS Ltd has not been adhered to.
(4) No liability is accepted by CSS Ltd in respect of machine or component failure when it can be determined that such failure was the
result of using the equipment with one or more attachments not given prior applications approval by them.
(5) In the case of formulating a claim against the guarantee the procedure to adopt is as follow is:-
a) Notify the CSS Ltd dealer from where you obtained the equipment within 10days of failure.
b) Make equipment available for inspection by Dealer technician.
c) If the failure is found to be the result of faulty manufacture or assembly, the failed components will be replaced entirely free of
charge. Dealers are requested to make their report and claim upon CSS Ltd within 28days of failure.
d) All warranty repairs carried out by customer / dealer must be authorised by CSS Ltd prior to commencement
(6) Given correct maintenance and providing your CSS Ltd machine is used for the purposes for which it was designed, we are sure
you will have many years of effective and trouble free operation. Always consult your CSS Ltd Dealer should you notice irregularities in
operation or a decline in performance.
(7) These warranty terms are in addition to and not in substitution for and do not affect any right and remedies which an owner might
have under statute or at common law against the seller of the goods under the contract by which the owner acquired the goods.